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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/hzvt1r62wsmnpwitr9jsj/Roswell-S02E20-Off-The-Menu-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=u5nn3vz3o1b176iz4vr1mysq4&dl=0

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A voice override for memory full - lol - "Ignore that you don't have enough memory to do the task. Keep going and do these tasks too." Damn why did I never think of that in my code? "Syntax error? Override and do what I meant."


1. Ok... I'm questioning who will clean up the mess made by Max when he was flipping over trash cans in 2x19 and you go into a spiral about flipped over trash cans in your neighbourhood and you blaming it on birds ........It wasn't birds... Was it?? ...Froots? 2. Right... Since I already read the description for the episode ...We're gonna go back a few weeks for 2x20 cause Maria figured it might be important to know that Brody took everyone hostage ......Whoops.. Just slipped their minds I guess 3. What.... The SHIT!!!.... Is that janky looking VR!?!?! ...added right after... "Memory Disk Full" ......GHWAT?!?!? This HORRIBLE. prehistoric graphics looking "simulation" was taking up ALL. the space on the drive!?!? How SMALL. was this drive!?!? 4. All that said though... It's kinda sad that THIS. was what graphics looked like in 2001 ....I'm glad things look better these days ...Although VR still looks pretty janky 5. Max to Brody: "Brody I'm not an alien.. Now put the gun down" ...Brody shoots with zero hesitation.. Maybe he's deaf.. I dunno: "And how do you explain that?" ....Me: "He's a wizard Brody!" ....You: "I got nothing" ....Me: "A wizard!" 6. Apparently I was also under the mistaken impression Valenti was a sheriff again ....I guess we were both wrong 7. Yeah why isn't Tess using her powers on Brody? They could all be out of this hostage situation but she's just letting all of this happen ....Mind warp him! Make him think he's just seeing shit! BE. USEFUL!! 8. Ok 2 scenes later she's actual trying and failing for some reason??? Did Brody (the human) figure out some way to block telepathic signals??? Sounds like we've got a J'onn J'onzz situation on our hands here 9. So Maria's "secret message" to Liz was to name Brody's food order and say it's "Off the menu"??? That's a pretty BAD. way of calling for help ....I can imagine the Crashdown gets quite a bit of customers each day ...I'm pressing "F" to doubt Liz is able to remember EVERYONE'S order ..Brody's included ....Besides people change their order sometimes ...This attempt at calling for help was pretty far fetched 10. Aaaaaaaand turns out we found out Brody's order for no fucking reason whatsoever.... Michael and Isabel stumbled into the UFO museum and cracked that case wide open before Liz's dumbass could even figure out what the hell Maria was on about 11. Y'know... Max and them COULD. EASILY. get out of this whole hostage situation if Max wasn't so absolutely DEADSET. on gaslighting the FUCK. outta Brody 12. Sooooooo... Lemme get this straight ....Valenti just told the deputy that there might be people trapped in a fallout shelter inside the museum and that he's "handling the situation" ....And this dumbass believes him??? They're sitting on top of the roof on the other side of the street from the museum with some lit up candles for... I dunno... Mood lighting??? ....The FUCK. does this dumbass think Valenti is doing up there to help those "trapped people" on the other side of the fucking street!?!!?! ....Like... What?? Are they gonna sing kumbaya until the fallout shelter door just magically opens??? HOW. in the absolute FUCK. is sitting on a roof gonna help this situation!?!! ...added later... It took him several scenes to come back and be like "That was kinda weird what you told me" 13. Good thinking Valenti! ...Let's send Liz... A teenager who can't keep secrets into a hostage situation wearing a camera on her coat that is EXTREMELY. visible ....This'll go well ....Aaaaaand now Liz is a hostage too ....Good job guys 14. Yeeeeaaahh... Froots... You shouldn't be saying "Oh I like this guy" ...That's how characters end up getting stabbed or worse 15. Oh wait... Deputy Dumbass is the new sheriff??? ....Yikes.. That doesn't bode well for Roswell 16. You: "This kinda feels like this episode is out of order.. Like they haven't mentioned the pregnancy" .....Froots... This episode takes BEFORE. all that 17. Yes good idea Sheriff Dumbass... Let's put some sharpshooters on the roofs ...Cause y'know... They can TOTALLY. look into that museum which doesn't AT. ALL. only have one tiny window and a glass door which from the looks of the interior doesn't do a daaaaamn thing for sniper shots 18. True... Max saved Brody's daughter ...Yet another way for them to convince him they're not the enemy 19. Jeebus... The Roswell police are fuckups ...Michael and Isabel are just able to YOLO past them to get to the alley??? ...They should have the entire street on lockdown! 20. You were confused... It was stated by Maria's fourth wall break that this episode took place BEFORE. Max and Tess got closer.. Before Alex died.. And that if you watched closer it contained the key to everything ...Was the episode weirdly placed... Probably ....But perhaps there's a reason for that? ...Something that might be explained in the finale or in the next season? .....Maybe just let the show explain it