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Jeremy Burch

Yes, I agree, let's try to build each other up. This was a good episode, it wasn't much of a twist, what happened at the end. Although, there was a couple of minutes at the beginning, when they were talking about killing her, where I thought, wait, what if she's not evil? But not that much farther into the episode, I was thinking, she probably is setting them up and we all know Volkoff is going to turn on them. I feel like the biggest twist in the episode, is that it felt like Volkoff was actually sincere with his apologies. She lied to you once Chuck, you've lied to her a lot, I get your surprised because she's never done it before, but I say get over it, just tell her the truth already. I actually like Lauren Cohan and her character Vivian Volkoff, as well as the story their telling with her and her father's character. However, I feel like where she was when we first met her, to where she is now, was a little bit rushed.


I say this every episode and im not sorry about it. I love how Chuck and Sarah are written in this show. Their relationship is VERY stable and the will they wont they had the perfect amount of time before getting annoying.