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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/grlw4l0fwb1h48jyldlk7/Grimm-S06E01-Fugitive-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=xm28a9kne8ex242ocsnnc34rf&dl=0

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The Mad Titan

This was a surprise release. I love catching my shows on unexpected days, makes my day. Thanks Shan.


Personally, I think I always saw Trubel as ace. She never seemed to show any sort of interest romantically or otherwise in anyone (though that doesn't necessarily mean anything, that's just what my brain always filled in). I personally wouldn't have wanted to see a Trubel/Meisner pairing because she's what - 18/19? And he has got to be in his mid-to-late thirties. Just not something I would be interested in. Though I agree it would have been nice to see even more a familial bond between them; just give a tad more run time to build up that relationship. I love when Monroe gets all "big bad wolf". Sean is super unraveling here. I can't imagine that this is a good look for him to the rest of the precinct. The only "evidence" they've seen or been given on Nick is that he and Sean had fisticuffs. From the outside, it would look extremely personal and not at all like part of the job. Loved the cliffhanger; so funny!