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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/r6fv6oey7vqsk8utn112n/Chuck-S04E19-Chuck-Versus-The-Muuurder-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=hc00rn665w0js7sw329afgcha&dl=0

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Jeremy Burch

I haven't been commenting on the episodes, because I haven't really been doing great for awhile, so I haven't really, even felt like watching reactions lately, so I got behind on them. I've been feeling a little bit better recently, so I've caught up on the episodes, hopefully that continues. I've always really liked this episode, I loved the whodunit, vibe of the episode. I also think they did a better job in this episode, then the cat squad episode giving us more people to be suspicious of, so it wasn't as easy to figure out. The Buy More part of the episode, wasn't that interesting though, just there for Subway advertising it seems. Also, just felt like mentioning, you laughed at a Jeff and Lester joke in the last episode, never thought I'd see the day.

Patrick - Excelsior

OK, way too many Poo jokes. Big Mike wearing the Big BM (bowel movement) many lines about big BMs, taking BMs. Morgan telling Big Mike he missed him because he was sick, he can't go all day without his #2. LargeMart saying they would leave a big flaming Bm on their doorstep.