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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/uh74negdhacc7juwql94w/Daredevil-S03E08-UpstairsDownstairs-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=hmyxrqbi2ltz057kwhcuigeka&dl=0

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Patrick - Excelsior

Karen was supposed to be at the dinner with Foggy. She was his plus one on his invitation to the dinner. What happened was he was making his speach about what a person can do to fight people like Fisk when they are impassioned, then he saw her name on the plate and realised what she was going to do. Dex burned those cassette tapes in his apartment, that is going to smell horrible. I have some comments on the last scene but I would rather wait until after 3x9 to discus them.


It’s crazy how Fisk is manipulating Dex so much just reminds me of Hawkeye the show with that one girl. Love that Nadeem is finally onboard I have no clue how there gonna stop Fisk & can’t believe after 3 years Karen finally told Fisk she killed Wesley! it was stupid but seeing how mad he got & not able to do anything took guts