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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/f06dfkgc34450gqrdro92/Ally-McBeal-S05E02-Judge-Ling-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=niwbi4bzkp073zpodwau6r8c2&dl=0

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Patrick - Excelsior

Barry Humphries, who played Claire Otoms, was born in Australia but moced to London at age 25. Here he played in theater for many year and created the characters Dame Edna and Sir Les Patterson. I'm sure his background heavily influenced his choice of character's piculiar accents. The therapist asking for Ally's hand got annoying after the first 10 times, now it is pissing me off.


Dame Edna been fairly famous for a long time The character was created in 1955 Even had a street named after the character in Melbourne in 2007, Dame Edna Place


1. True.. Helping the person you love to "grow" as a person is fine ...."Changing" them however is what we (and the show) were talking about here and THAT. I can't fully be onboard with unless it's done for a VALID. reason ....Like... You don't "fall in love" with someone and then start changing them to suit your ideal image... Since the show was talking about changing a man here.. I'll add... We're not empty husks waiting for a woman to come along and give us some sort of personality to go along with their "ideal vision of a guy" ...Same can be said the opposite way ofcourse ....You fall in love with someone BECAUSE. of who they ARE. ...And you'll love her/him/them despite their imperfections ...You accept them.. Flaws and ALL. ....That to me is what real love is about ...Accepting ones differences and STILL. loving the person you're with ...Anyone who doesn't see that ...In my opinion doesn't know what love is ...Mic drop 2. As a person who wears a hat out a LOT. of the times (cause I can't be arsed to fix my hair) ...I am in agreement ...Wearing your hat backwards looks douchey as FUCK. .....I'm not about that life 3. New Girl... Chill the fuck out... You're in an office meeting... No need to call out Ally for looking at Cyclops ...This is not the time nor the place 4. Yup.... "Upgraded" from friend to big brother ....John ...I feel sorry for ya mah dude 5. "Dame Edna" was ACTUALLY. a character created and performed by Australian comedian Barry Humphries about 50 years before Ally McBeal was ever a show ...I suppose the creator of the show loved it so much that he created a role for the character on the show ....A character by the name of Claire Otoms ....Which is apparently an anagram for "A Sitcom Role" ....Since this is a character created originally by this Australian comedian perhaps that makes it less frustrating when she does anything odd that you'd normally think would be the shows fault ...I suspect this comedian wouldn't have the shows creator drag his own creation through the mud for a few cheap laughs .....BUT.... Yeah everyone making fun of her is a bit rude ....Buuuuuttttt not all at out of character for anyone on the show ...Cause that's what this show does.. Make fun of anyone and anything that's not considered quote/unquote "normal" 6. You: "I don't remember half the ways that I met anyone" ....Me too Froots ...I only remember the important people 7. You about Ling: "Eeeehmm In EVERY. lighting she's cuter" ....I honestly don't see it ...I've seen MUCH. cuter Asian women before 8. New Girl: "Why is it we're looking for mature responsible partners when we're really attracted to the bratty 2 year olds?" ...You: "I mean... Who wants to be mature???" .....EXACTLY!!! You should NEVER. lose that immature part of yourself ...It makes you boring without it ...I mean... Look at me ...I'm doing just fine ...No problems with living on my own ...No debts ...Nothing ....BUT... Did I follow the advice of the old people to "grow up"??? Nah bish ....I'm keeping that immature part of me until the day I die ...I choose to never grow up ...And it's working out just fine 9. Ok Billy 2.0 ...You don't say "You don't even look at her.. She's mine" ....That's gross ..And definitely don't say it IN. FRONT. of her! ...That's disgusting .....Did we NEED. a new Billy???