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Patrick - Excelsior

If he likes to dig up rocks to examine them, he wouldn't be an archeoligist, he would be a geologist. A geologist studies rocks, minerals and land formations (ie rock dude). An archeologist studies old relics, tablets and manuscripts (ie Daniel Jackson).


Yup, Daniel Jackson would be ashamed of me :(


1. Looks confused around the room ......I change the name cause you kept having a problem pronouncing the word "archeologist" and here you are reading the notes having ZERO. problem with it .....As the French would say "Le fuq?!" 2. So does Brody not know anyone else in Roswell??? You'd think that SOMEONE. (other than the gang ofcourse) would be like "Hey I saw you walking into the Crashdown earlier today" and he'd be like "What?? I was sleeping" ....And he'd get suspicious ....But nah.. I guess not 3. Yeeeeeaaaah.. That wasn't much of a reveal ....A few episodes ago when this "unknown shooter" was shooting at Max, Isabel and Sheriff Valenti while they were rescueing that girl ...They showed a quick shot of the guy wearing his ski mask and you could already see it was Rock Dude ....His mouth structure definitely gave it away 4. Yeah first of all.. Kyle and Alex should be conserving air ...And second ...WEIRD. fucking moment to start singing .....I dunno ...I guess maybe it's to stop themselves from freaking out about being stuck in a cave .....But I dunno ...I feel this is not a normal reaction 2 teenage guys would have ....They'd be fucking cussing out whoever is outside trying to dig in and telling them to dig faster .......I meaaaaaaannn... THEN. there'd be me... The insane guy ....Who WOULD. be doing something as stupid as singing... Cause.. Meh... You only die once am I right? ....But that's besides the point 5. Ok I'll say it .....I can't really blame the aunt and uncle for trynna pass of their niece as crazy so that they could live the rich life .....Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to get ahead in life y'know? 6. Eeeehmm Froots.. Max DID. tell Michael the blue shit couldn't live without oxygen ....While Michael and Maria were living in up at the pool Michael got a phone call from Max and the first thing Max said was that the crystals couldn't survive without oxygen 7. Good question ...Are they just leaving Rock Dude's body behind in that bunker??? I mean I imagine they won't ....In which case follow up question ....Why was Isabel able to just YOLO into an active crime scene??? ...And another question ...How are they gonna cover this up?? Did Rock Dude not have any family who will come looking for him?? How do they explain the massive hole in his chest? WILL. they show this?? Cause as far as I'm aware ...They seem to have people die on this show and then NOBODY. asks questions ....Like... Remember the 2 government people who died?? ....Where's the investigation on that?? 8. Well since Laurie just got her life back as we saw the aunt and uncle about to sign some sort of legal deal most likely signing control over back to her ...Your question as to what's gonna happen to her and where is she gonna live ....I can only imagine she'll continue to live in that mansion .....Will we ever see her again??? Honestly ..No fucking clue ....But if we don't then it WAS. pretty much quickly wrapped up yeah ....I'm half expecting we WILL. still hear from her ...Cause we now know that Michael has a "relative" out there (aside from Max, Isabel and Tess... sort of) ....But I'm saying half expecting ....I dunno... This did feel like a quick wrap up