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Aleph Sharp

Yeah, this one isnt my favorite, but i enjoy Reese's character arc here, and the flight attendant is nice. The drug bazaar guy gets off scott free and is a SUPER ANNOYING tech-bro, so I wouldve liked to see Some consequences for him. Also i will say, that the weekly case of the weeks from this episode on will sometimes fail to give complexity or interest to the individual numbers (just sometimes) because the writers were focusing on the overarcing plot, this is one of these examples which hurts the show with borderline racist steriotypes (Mexican cartel drug dealers with tattoos and corrupt military history, israeli former mossad agent assassins, the only other latino character ends up being part of the cartel mercs) but overall it was a decent enough episode to move things forward. Hirsch is a Strange character. Sometimes it seems like he cares about shaw and others it doesn't. He can act like a scary psychopath very well, but i just Don't find his action scenes believable, I can't put my finger on it, but i'm just not sold on him being an expert combatant. He just feels threatening like the creepy coworker with missing exes who follows you home, not threatening like say, reese or shaw. At least to me.


Beginning of the show thought: I feel like we haven't seen Bear in a while. I wonder where our buddy is? Maybe I'm just forgetting but I can't remember the last time we've seen him. With John: I suspect foul play and either Finch or the Machine is somehow changing his flight plan. Scotch on the rocks.... with a twist....? I initially thought John was running away again, but now I can't tell if this was a choice and that he was led to come here. Okay, based on Harold's reaction, seems like the Machine has made all these choices. Whyyyy is everyone on this plane a butthole??? I have a feeling this dude created the site. Yup, called it. So far this feels like kind of a strange episode, but I like that it's showing the Machine starting to make decisions beyond what Harold intended. Hmmm, if we just flip the autopilot switch, can the Machine land the plane? Oh, crap, somehow, Harold is supposed to videogame this plane?? Weird choice. I do appreciate this episode in seeing John remember what he loved about his job, but overall the episode felt a little so-so. Ugh, I am so in love the the Harold/John dynamic. Not to say the other characters aren't amazing, but Harold and John together feel special.