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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/bxnee1ucbwzf73qorjl87/Loki-S02E06-Glorious-Purpose-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=lq8ew17pmrbwzkqp4nwf1o3h6&dl=0




The tree is called Yggdrasil which i think was talked about in thor


I'm not sure what my take away is , I'll get back to you after I watch lilgalreacts' reaction :)

Andrew Polinski

He became Loki The God of Stories. which is a massively huge fan favourite story line. As he is a god he can keep all the new branches alive at an ever expanding rate. The loom and tree are really metaphors, A loom weaves multiple threads into one thread, where as long as tree is alive it will indefinitely spawn new branches. You say that he is lonely now but he really isn't, he gets to watch over his friends and gets to see what they do with there lives forever, he may not be there to experience it together with them but his satisfaction comes from being able to watch over them. This show has been the biggest bright spark in the less than stellar current offerings from marvel latterly. Tom Hiddleston is so freaking amazing, he has to one of the top actors around. He lived and breathed Loki, you can see it in his interviews how much he loves the character. Is it the end of Loki and the MCU? He has basically said it is but you never know what can happen. But we have most probably seen the last of this version of Loki.

Patrick - Excelsior

I like that Renslayer ended up in The Void, hopefully eaten by Alioth.