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This is by far my favorite episode in the series. It was so cute, heartwarming and emotional. I loved just seeing a Christmas special actually be a Christmas special. Then just doing casual Christmas stuff was just so nice to see.


- in the DVD commentary Jason Katims said this episode is 1 of his proudest achievements in his portfolio. He said something like his goal was to make a Christmas episode you can revisit every year even if you never saw another episode of Roswell before. After I did my restoration in 2018, I finally felt comfortable putting this and the season 3 one back into my Christmas Eve / Day watch rotation. (The Ref at midnight or just before, then in some order Die Hard 1 and 2, Home Alone 1 and 2, Christmas Vacation, Love Actually and whatever else I can squeeze in before passing out) - when I was first in Covina in 2019, I think I was standing in front of Brody's house and didn't even realize it (until I got home). This made me uncertain if the house I saw across or the one a block over with the same number was the ghost's house (so I just took pictures in front of both). When I was there last Christmas, I discovered my brother's apartment was just 10 minutes away from Covina only when I ordered the Uber to meet a couple Roswell friends at Casa Moreno (Crashdown exterior). I didn't have time to confirm which house was which, we only went to see the Evans home, Courtney's apartment and into the park across them where the Christmas pageant / midnight service was (along with many other scenes throughout the show). I'm going again this Christmas and the goal this year is to confirm which houses are which along with finding other locations I haven't been to yet, assuming their schedules are open as well to do that. - where was Calling All Angels in Charmed? I know that's 1 of the songs Jason Katims said he absolutely had to keep for DVD. There was also that song you mentioned Smallville last episode I think? WB liked using the same songs on a bunch of their shows which were usually also signed to the WB music label. There's definitely a few more songs coming that I know were used in Smallville or Dawson's Creek or as you said Charmed likely too - the million dollar question I guess now is which show used which song 1st and thus should have the strongest claim of ownership to said song. - the 3 main girls (and I'm fairly certain the 4 main guys) all auditioned for each role before being casted for what they ultimately landed on. I've always felt that the Christmas Nazi character is a taste of how Katherine Heigl would have played Maria had she gotten that role instead. - a friend of mine ordered an autograph of Emilie and she had her sign it that she needed a damn chair to sit in. - Was it Tess that screamed at Jim and Kyle about Christmas or was it Emilie? - I don't give gifts anymore, but I used the Isabel gift giving theory a handful of times. It absolutely works. - supposedly in the background when Michael shows Isabel the electric toothbrush is Steve Perry of Journey shopping because they didn't fully close down the store for shooting. I've only found 1 post claiming this but the store is actually a music store and the man in the background paying at the register kinda looks like him so I guess it's absolutely plausible. - Michael is gonna need a TON of overtime to pay for those pearl earrings. - I'm still looking for after all these years a clean recording of that arrangement of O Come All Ye Faithful at the end because it's so beautiful. I know that it's by John Williams son Joseph who's the head music person of the show and lead singer of Toto (he and his wife at the time were among the choir singers on stage). Couldn't find any direct way to contact him except through Toto's socials. I had a brief DM exchange with Jason Behr last year about his favorite music on the show, he said he'd see who he could contact about that but nothing after.


Max heals six children and on the last one, passes out. My mind can't help but think what if he had passed out after the fifth child? With the news stories playing up the Christmas miracle angle what would the parents think of their poor dead child that God did not feel worth saving? All hail the Christmas Nazi.


Yeah. And what about the kids in the next room. Surely that can't be the only 6 kids in the hospital?


1. Max and Michael are out trynna buy a chrimmus tree... First of all ..Kid gets yeeted out of the way of a moving car.. That was funny ....But second... Everyone is staring at this guy who is now laying on the ground ....Your first comment is: "Awww.. He's a hero" ....My first comment was: "Quick.. Get one of those trees!" 2. Wait hold up... What!? ....Isabel is the Chrimmus Nazi??? ....I was under the initial impression that their "mum" was gonna be the chrimmus nazi ...I guess I didn't hear what they were saying and missed it ....What kinda family let's their teenage daughter take care of all the chrimmus decoration?? I've honestly never in my daaaamn life ever seen it happen that anyone other than the parents are in control of that shit ....And I'm just going off of tv-show and movie references here cause we didn't have chrimmus at our house ...But still... The fact that Isabel is in charge of this feels like they kinda needed something for her character to do in this episode 3. And hoooooooold up a little longer... Did Isabel just say she needed to go to some hunger drive and a chrimmus dinner at the nursing home.. And that she's also thinking about hosting a vigil for the guy who died???? .....Who the fuck is this girl?!!? Such an overachiever 4. Oh shit... Max has a secret... He sees dead people ...Call Bruce Willis! He's got experience with this sorta thing 5. Maria... Get the hint... Pretty sure Brody is into you ...Although that's kinda weird cause he's in his mid-twenties and you're 17 I think ....But that's besides the point ...No guy wants to hear the girl they like rave on about some other guy ...Probably the same if you're a girl I suppose 6. Yup... Don't give your girl a toothbrush Michael... You won't be sending the message you THINK you're sending... This guy... Toothbush.. Pretty sure he gave her shampoo last season... Dude does NOT. realise what he's doing .....And staying under a set price range?? ...Nah bish... You need to EXCEED. the said price range... In fact ...Get her SEVERAL. gifts... 2 shitty ones and 1 REALLY. fucking thoughtful one ...Gotta keep her on her toes thinking your gifts are kinda shitty and then BAM! coolest fucking gift EVER. 7. Ok Max that's not creepy at all... Standing there... Staring stoically at the chrimmus carollers singing to the wife and kids of the dead guy while also having a conversation with a ghost totally coming off like you're some insane wackjob who'se seeing shit ....Not... Creepy... At... Aaaaallll 8. Max: "If I had exposed myself last night there had been people I had put at risk" .....I giggled at that ...."If I had exposed myself..." ....C'mon... Taken out of context... Given he's standing there watching those people like a creeper while talking to air ..."If I had exposed myself..." ...How can you NOT. take that the wrong way 9. Aight.... Brody has a daughter!? Does he also have a wife?? ...added later... Oh the daughter has cancer... And it's not treatable?? ...Well luckily Maria knows some people who can cure untreatable illnesses 10. A bumper.... Michael... Mah dude... Do you hear yourself?? Are you fucking stupid?? You say the current bumper has been hanging on her car by a string for years... What makes you think THIS. bumper will even make it ONTO. the car?? ....This guy might be hopeless ...added later... Ok but that just-in-case gift was from Isabel.. That shouldn't count... Also.. Maria come on.. He just gave you a heartfelt gift (a bumper? really) and you want more?? That's kinda fucked 11. That supermarket Sheriff Valenti, Kyle and Tess are visiting has ZERO. business having THAT. MUCH. chrimmus decoration up ...That shit's hanging in the way and it's gonna get ALL. over the food ...They overdid it with trynna make this location look chrimmussy 12. Aight so we got confirmation now... Liz just mentioned Maria is 17 ....This show and it's inappropriate ships ...Jeesh 13. Y'know.... I'm fairly certain that if you'd call yourself by your given nickname "The chrimmus nazi" during a chrimmus celebration.. Standing in front of a bunch of kids and stuff ....You'd probably get more than just a few blank stares ....I think you'd probably get shoved off stage cause they'd think you''re trying to ruin the celebration in some weird way 14. Yup you're right Froots... Sheriff Valenti and Kyle being COMPLETELY. unprepared to receive guests and rushing shit ....That's definitely a guy thing ...But then again... Tess didn't tell them shit about making plans and inviting Maria's mum over for dinner... That is MOST. DECIDEDLY. a girl thing 15. You about Max approaching the girl at the hospital bed: "Y'know that coulda been really creepy" .....Froots... It's STILL. really creepy if you think about it... WE. know what he's there to do... But this girl and everyone else there doesn't know shit ...This weirdo just went into this kids room and is hovering his hands all over this very underage sick girl ....If you don't think that's creepy then... We got some issues 16. You said you knew this song that's playing during the Max healing scene from Charmed... I know it from the movie Pay It Forward ....There's a very emotional scene during the end of that movie that's carved into my memory and it's accompanied by this very song.. Calling All Angels 17. Y'know... I don't give a damn thing about kids... But.. If I had Max's powers... I'd have done the same damn thing... I'd risk getting found healing EVERY. person with cancer there ...Nobody should EVER. suffer through that shit 18. What I also LOVE. about this scene of Max trynna heal all those kids at the risk of getting really sick himself... Dude is an alien... VERY. OFTEN. aliens are depicted as the bad guys in TV shows and movies ..Which is something I lowkey kinda hate when it's done for ZERO. good reason ....But this dude is basically looking like he's almost dying trying to do the right thing... An alien.. Who doesn't REALLY. have to do anything to help us ...This is the kinda thing I want to see be done more on shows and movies... Spreading a GOOD. message instead of the usual trope that aliens are all bad 19. Aaaaaaaand what I fucking HATE. ....This mum in the next scene saying it was god who healed her kid ....Fuuuuuuccck youuuuuu... Stupid religious nutjobs 20. Liz... You's.. STUPID. ....Maybe there's something out there that wants people to get cancer??? Get the fuck outta here with that shit... You're right Froots.. Max and them have abilities... Maybe THEY. were sent here to help people??? Have you ever thought about that??? ...Nah... Let's pretend some invisible man in the sky wants kids to die ....I mean... That's not far off from what his little book says... Soooooo .....Anywaaaaaays.. Moving on 21. Yup... This was probably in my opinion the best episode this season yet... Mostly due to the hospital scene ...If you got healing powers.. And you're curing cancer with it.. And you're risking your own life to help people you don't even know.. You got my vote