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David Brown

26:45 Obi-Wan references the events of the movie- Episode II: Attack of the Clones. 32:20 I'm not sure how Obi-Wan immediately recognised Waxer and Boil. But as a side note, Waxer and Boil are the clone troopers who helped and bonded with the little Twi'lek girl in 1x20. If you look closely, Waxer has painted a drawing of the little girl onto his helmet.


Oh, the 2nd invasion of Geonosis. There's a few firsts for the show in this episode. The first time we've ever seen such a large invading force by the Republic, the first time lightsabers have been used on living creatures and also the first time the Republic utilized some major war crimes (using flame throwers on living beings and then executing them). There have been some other war crimes previously in the show but this one kinda sticks out for obvious reasons. But overall, "Landing at Point Rain" is imo a phenomenal start into one of the most insane arcs this season. It's the first time the show imo managed to replicate the grand scope of the Prequel Trilogy. Also this episode is very impressive on a technical level. Like this was a huge jump from the more small scale stuff we've seen so far. Even the invasion of Ryloth wasn't anywhere near this big, because it wasn't technically feasible at the time. Overall loved both episodes.