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Brandon Wiesner (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-06 01:50:15 Yeah, this episode was definitely an odd one. I was bored the whole time when they were on Coruscant. I think it has to do with Disney building the universe and providing more stories to tell. It was almost like a backdoor pilot, except nothing in this episode, outside of the beginning and ending, really to anything else, unless there's another show in the pipeline I'm not aware of called Spies on Coruscant or something. I did laugh at your "back to our regularly scheduled programming" line when Mando and Bo Katan showed back up though.
2023-11-05 20:37:19 Yeah, this episode was definitely an odd one. I was bored the whole time when they were on Coruscant. I think it has to do with Disney building the universe and providing more stories to tell. It was almost like a backdoor pilot, except nothing in this episode, outside of the beginning and ending, really led to anything else, unless there's another show in the pipeline I'm not aware of called Spies on Coruscant or something. I did laugh at your "back to our regularly scheduled programming" line when Mando and Bo Katan showed back up though.

Yeah, this episode was definitely an odd one. I was bored the whole time when they were on Coruscant. I think it has to do with Disney building the universe and providing more stories to tell. It was almost like a backdoor pilot, except nothing in this episode, outside of the beginning and ending, really led to anything else, unless there's another show in the pipeline I'm not aware of called Spies on Coruscant or something. I did laugh at your "back to our regularly scheduled programming" line when Mando and Bo Katan showed back up though.