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1. Froots... Don't be too surprised I knew his name and mentioned him BY NAME in my notes... I ONLY. knew Brody Davis's name cause I feel they kept repeating it throughout the episode 2. You: "Well we don't ALL look up Tony!" ......That much is true Froots ...That much is true ...You miss a lot of stuff that way ......Don't you? 3. Yeah absolutely no offense to the actors ...I think they're fine ....But them as the Dupes ....Bad acting ...Which yeah.. Could've just been badly directed 4. You questioned why Max is all of a sudden taking Tess everywhere with him ....I feel like this might be due to the fact that Max believes he got cheated on ...I mean.. Teeeechnically sure... Max and Liz weren't dating anymore ...But Max had been basically obsessed with Liz since forever ...He never saw anyone else in his future but Liz ...Seeing her in bed with Kyle must've hurt a lot ...And since Liz was his ONLY. reason for trying to fight against his so called destiny.. That is why he's all of a sudden taking Tess everywhere... He might be in that headspace where he thinks there's no reason to fight against it anymore ....As for Tess going along with it ....Is she obsessed with Max? ....I don't think "obsessed" is the word.. Sure she acts like the lost puppy following him around ...But I think Tess might just be an innocent bystander in this... Her head is filled with the things that Nasedo told her growing up... She was isolated most of her life only being around Nasedo.. Never really having any friends cause they kept moving around.. She doesn't really know any better... I think she ultimately might end up with someone else.. Just not Max ...I still think Max and Liz will end up back together 5. Good question... Are Max and Tess just skipping school?? WHEN does this take place?? During summer break? 6. Ok I'm just gonna assume Little Shit ALSO. had a twin cause no way he could've been alive otherwise ...He was literally at the front of the crowd when Tess incinerated all those Skins 7. Y'know what... I'm very impressed with Liz ...We know by now that this girl can't keep a secret to save her daaaamn life ...The fact she hasn't told EVERYONE and their oma that a version of Max came from the future and told her to sleep with Kyle ...It's impressive she kept it quiet for this long 8. Ok... Jinxed it... Liz finally tells Maria basically 2 scenes after I gave her some praise for keeping shit to herself ....I knew she'd cave at some point though ....Now lets see how long it'll take Maria to cave 9. HEY! Smallville called ...They want their music back 10. As for the whole Liz having changed part ...I kinda always suspected there had to be SOMETHING there... She saw visions before when she was with Max.. Perhaps the whole healing thing made her part alien .....And if so ....Same might apply to Kyle?

Patrick - Excelsior

How did the Dohpes (yes, I know that's not what they are called) have time to Mind probe Tess. They were 5 feet behind max, he immediately chased after them. He couldn't have been more than a minute behind them.