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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/kjx3follr6vdq5w5bl7fr/Chuck-S04E09-Chuck-Versus-Phase-Three-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=chsxyli8m8j30qmz4idn81rkj&dl=0

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David Brown

You thought this might be the mid-Season Finale. Actually, the episode you're about to watch right now is.

Jeremy Burch

They have a lot of guest stars this season with Summer Glau and Rob Riggle guest starring in the previous episode, I did find Rob Riggle's character kind of annoying in the episode. I actually found Jeff and Lester to be slightly less annoying then usual in that episode, I liked Summer Glau threatening them, I also liked some of the lines in the episode, like "do you want to be killed with the wig on or off?" and I liked her Casey like mannerisms and the Firefly reference...actually, I think I just liked Summer Glau in the episode..never mind then. As for this episode, I liked it. I really liked Sarah just tearing everything apart to go get Chuck back and I really do love their relationship. It is a little strange that Chuck didn't lose at least some of his memories, but I guess it's the case of, if the machine doesn't completely finish what it's doing, it just reverses all the damage when you stop it or maybe a kiss from Sarah just brings all your memories back.