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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/6ceqk1zi90pu7em08x73z/Iron-Fist-S02E10-A-Duel-Of-Iron-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=zqlp2c2j4w4i4bhkpbyu3e0n4&dl=0

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Patrick - Excelsior

OK, Colleen wins the Fist. In the comics Misty and Colleen did team up and create a Private Investigation company called Night Wing Investigations. Wow, after saving their lives from Davos, the Chinese gang lady has the nerve to threaten Colleen and Danny if they get in her way. Sheesh They may not have let Mary go. When she changed back to Walker, she most likely escaped. In the comics, the third identity that she had was a cold blooded, almost unstoppable killer called Bloody Mary. As I said, the pirate queen of Ping Hai Bay was in the comics. She was an Iron Fist a 100 years before Danny. Yeah, Colleen makes the Iron Fist part of sword in kewl. The guy the Ward and Danny are looking for that sent the container box with the dead Iron Fist in it, Orson Randall was also in the comics. He was the last Iron Fist before Danny got it. The ability to use the fist to fire bullets was called ‘Gun Fu’. Here it we never get to find out how Danny got the Fist back, why he got 2 and is it special guns that let him do this or is he just energizing them like Colleen did the sword. It figures that after that horrible first season, the show really takes off and IMO becomes the best of the Netflix series, just get cancelled.