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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/yz2veowm8cb7ihu82ypmx/Chuck-S04E08-Chuck-Versus-The-Fear-Of-Death-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=262u863ojua6bzbrofdsiqaii&dl=0

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I liked this episode but it was one of the weakest this season. There have only been 1 episode in this show that i havent liked and it was also one you hated as well. I dont like Jeff and Lester but i also dont hate them. Again its just the product of the time. Most people like them because they watched it when it first aired. New people like yourself tend to not like them. I do have to say that i think the ending to this episode is one of the best episode endings yet. The music, the stakes, the feels, its just all so perfect.

David Brown

I'm sure you probably haven't seen them. Are you familiar with the Jason Bourne spy movies starring Matt Damon? Well, the actor playing the Belgian was the original Jason Bourne back in the 80s. Casey (Adam Baldwin) to the new "Greta" (Summer Glau): "I don't know who you've worked with before, or what CREW you were on." Get it? If you do get it, this line was intentional.


jeff and lester need to die now