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Patrick - Excelsior

Wow, Danny is really serious about giving up having the Iron Fist and letting Colleen have it. Except she doesn’t want it. Uh oh, Joy is telling Davos off. That’s probably not a good idea. He gets a little temperamental. And Davos slapped Joy over the balcony. Yep. Figured something like that. That looks like a big fall, is she dead? Walker gets some info from Ward but doesn’t share it us, rude. Kewl, Misty is back. They are telling the story of the pirate queen of Ping Hai Bay, I remember her from the comics. Hey its Turk. He is the only character to appear in every Netflix Marvel show. Ward said to Turk “Shoulders down, knees bent, think about sunsets.” He was telling him how to improve his golf swing. OK, Joy still alive but blood leaks out of brain is not a good thing. Shan, how dare you think that guy would only last 2 seconds. He made it to a solid 6 seconds. 😉 Yeah, I figured the kid would die eventually. Again, it was the butt kisser and again with the knife. WTH, I thought he was training in Kung Fu, but all he does is stab people when they are not looking. Once again Danny proves he’s a better fighter than Davos. Even when Davos has the Fist. Hey Joy lives. Misty gets saved by … Ward? Didn’t see that coming. Of course she ends up getting rifle butt to the head a few minutes later by Walker. I figured Colleen color would be white. In S1 when she fought she wore all white and her sword is white too.

Brandon Wiesner

I didn't realize we were this close to the end. I expected this season to last 13 episodes but just looked it up and interestingly, this was the only regular season of the Marvel Netflix shows that lasted only 10 episodes, besides Defenders, which was an 8 ep mini series. The rest of the seasons were all 13 eps. Overall, I thought this show was the weakest of this universe, although this season is for sure better than the first. I just never connected with the actor as Danny. There are other characters in the show that I did, like Coleen is awesome and Ward had a pretty good redemption arc. Davos as a villain is meh. They tried to make it out like he was a good guy that just had a rivalry with Danny because of the IF but then he just ends up murdering anyone that disagrees with him and gets in his way. Looking forward to the finale and then, Daredevil S3!