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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/pdkl9gc1rsdk9ujjmnivc/Gen-V-S01E05-Welcome-To-The-Monster-Club-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=f6bqt63igl8ls1xfk1t8buoyb&dl=0

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I knew immediately it was her last episode. Didn’t wanna comment because i felt 100% sure. I was 75% sure she was a part of the school’s cover up but Sam’s reaction to seeing her last episode just confirmed it for me. I will say I thought she was gonna turn out to be a villain so I was wrong about her motives but mind control is rarely if even a hero power. It’s almost always a power exclusively for villains


You can actually survive with your penis cut off if you make it to a hospital so its fair to assume he could survive too. I dont know why these episodes are much shorter than the boys. Those episodes usually hang around the hour mark. I hope season 4 doesnt do shorter episodes. By the way i binge watched the boys for the first time with you and loved it. I tried before but couldnt get into it but by the time i watched a couple episodes i grew to love it more with each episode. I didnt really care for this show at first but the ending of episode 3 is what really hooked me and ive been enjoying it since. I cant wait for the rest of the season and the boys season 4.