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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/vubx21vse9gy4hxra54f2/Star-Trek-Enterprise-S01E03-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=6zyfv2fjuc9rdhtjkj6joh30g&dl=0

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Patrick - Excelsior

Don't let it bother you have trouble figuring names or species on show. It will take quite a while to learn them all like Trekkies that have watched the show for 40 years. T'Pol's hair is kind of a Vulcan tradition. Almost all Vulcans have same haircut, men and women. Chuck's dad reference, lol. Yeah, this episode kind of slow. They are working on building up characters at this stage. They also wanted to have some contrast with other ST series. Prior to this. all Star Fleet members were shown to be confident in their desire to be in space, exploring the universe. I did like how they used Yoshi's talking to and about the slug to show her feelings and uncertainties about herself. Remember, this show came out after 4 other complete ST series. It is a prequel. So much of the fun for Trekkies is seeing common practices devices being introduced.

David Brown

Regarding getting used to learning names, I have to slightly correct Pat above. The language specialist's name is Hoshi, not Yoshi. Hoshi Sato. I understand, and agree with your feelings for this episode. But I love this show as a whole. I hope it keeps getting selected.

Retro Tom

I know this show got a lot a flak for it's theme song, but after 20+ years it's really grown on me & I can't help get hyped when i here it now