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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/kl7bvjrfd20b7vijvc6cw/My-Hero-Academia-S04E06-An-Unpleasant-Talk-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=brgg01pxtxuklypix0ildr36r&dl=0

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I like how the author thought through some of the consequences of Nighteye's power. He shows really trauma here because of having seen All-Might's death, which does make perfect sense. That would be very mentally damaging, and his outright fear of using his power in that way again also tracks.

Brendan O'Connor

Heavy episode even though there isn’t a lot of action in it. I was also annoyed by Rock Lock being dismissive of the work study students. If you’re able to, watch the scene after the credits of this episode before starting the next one. There are a few after credit scenes in this season.