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Brennon Booth

Great reaction and awesome movie.

Brandon Wiesner

This was the movie that broke Shyamalan. It was famous for the big twist that Malcolm was dead the whole time. If it had been made nowadays, it would have been ruined before it premiered because of the internet but back then, people were able to wait a few weeks before seeing a movie and still be surprised. Glad you enjoyed it.

Patrick - Excelsior

I'm glad you enjoyed the movie. I think of the options I picked this one had the best chance of you liking it. Yes, the acting was amazing. HJO was incredible, Bruce Willis in a change of pace from from his usual action roles., the mom were all stand out performances.


Saw this movie in cinemas when it first came out, not knowing a single thing about it going in. Glad I did because it got meme'd forever after that.