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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/m5d0jqksa5cguvat6nt7n/Harley-Quinn-S04E07-Most-Culturally-Impactful-Film-Franchise-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=k1lkmjmalz55ruhbbumliq4mi&dl=0

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Brandon Wiesner

I liked this episode because it brought Ivy and Harley together. That is the heart of the show. The whole thing with them not getting to talk and being snippy with each other was getting old.


I've been laughing a lot less this season. Was there a shake up in the show runner/writing team area or something?


Damien having Ra’s bad hairline is everything to me lol & of course the Robin that has the Assasin mom is gonna take over the world in this adaptation jsut wonder how he came up with that idea or did he and Lex work out a deal

Patrick - Excelsior (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-01 22:31:06 I'm behind on Harley Quinn so I will make comments on previous episodes. 4x3 - Yes, that was Cod Piece from Doom patrol.
2023-09-01 19:35:01 I'm behind on Harley Quinn so I will make comments on previous episodes. 4x3 - Yes, that was Cod Piece from Doom patrol. 4x4 - I liked this Steppenwolf better than Snyder's. lol Yes, that was Alfred making prison wine. The 'weird' shaped rockets were funny. Mainly because it seems every new rocket design these days seems like it looks like a .... 4x5 - Looks like Harley, deep down, wants to return to being a villain while Ivy is to busy building her brand to be a villain. Both seem lost. 4x6 - Yes, confused. 4x7 - Was that Robin supposed to be Damion in the future. Not what I expected him to look like. Not like Bruce Wayne at all.

I'm behind on Harley Quinn so I will make comments on previous episodes. 4x3 - Yes, that was Cod Piece from Doom patrol. 4x4 - I liked this Steppenwolf better than Snyder's. lol Yes, that was Alfred making prison wine. The 'weird' shaped rockets were funny. Mainly because it seems every new rocket design these days seems like it looks like a .... 4x5 - Looks like Harley, deep down, wants to return to being a villain while Ivy is to busy building her brand to be a villain. Both seem lost. 4x6 - Yes, confused. 4x7 - Was that Robin supposed to be Damion in the future. Not what I expected him to look like. Not like Bruce Wayne at all.