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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/llz14tk2qyhjrucvhn51x/Roswell-S01E20-Max-To-The-Max-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=48wxpbgcj6srak3za51fomyct&dl=0

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I would die for Alex, i dont know how he can be so pure. Hes so understanding, sweet and kind. He truly cares for Isabelle. I love him.

Suzanne Hunt

This is one of my favorite episodes of season 1! I think Naesado morphing into Max and kidnapping Liz to draw Agent Pierce out was a good plan except he didn't calculate how Max would react! Max of course wanted to protect Liz and he and the gang tried to rescue her. If it wasn't for Naesado taking Liz and Max trying to save Liz , Max never would have been caught by the agents! I also like the fact that Liz could tell it wasn't Max from the visions she saw when they kissed! I hope you continue to react to this show in season 2! Thanks Shan for all you do!


I think maybe the best way to look at this episode and maybe see it in a little better light is ... desperation! Everyone is getting REALLY desperate and are making stupid mistakes because of it


Great reaction. i do agree the ending is a bit rushed. Actually rewatching this with you, I am kind of surprised that I hadn’t remembered these storylines being as rushed in the last couple of episodes. I thought the Pierce reveal actually wasn’t as quick as this. I thought it was over at least a couple of episodes. I think the storylines could have benefited for maybe stretching out over at least another episode. Don’t know how you will continue on after this season but if you continue on with this show and also plan on doing Roswell, NM, I would like to suggest alternating between the shows after each season. I think it could be interesting after this season being able to watch the reboot’s first season and compare the two with both somewhat freshly watched.

Avalon Perry

I don't know why, but for some reason a lot of storylines in this show always felt rushed to me, but I'm not really sure how to describe it. I guess it's just kind of a vibe that things are moving quickly? Either way I'll always love this show, and I personally prefer it to the reboot because of the nostalgia of it. It just has that early 2000's aura about it that I find really comforting.