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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/sk7rvjig607u6epuwhyv8/My-Hero-Academia-S03E22-A-Talk-About-Your-Quirk-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=3efelom784c8j1yqgvp35ms8n&dl=0

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Hello I'm so hype for this fight and there is an end-credits scene in the episode you are about to watch don't miss it

catwhowalksbyhimself (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-10 01:45:57 I know you like Todoroki, but he deserved to fail. As they explained last episode, the whole point of the test is to deal with All Might retiring. Since they have no one hero that can replace him, they plan on replacing him with heroes who can work in teams instead, so the whole point of the test is to find and pass those who can do so. Todoroki and Yoarshi fought each other instead of Gang Orca and nearly lost the fight because of it. Deku had to come in and rescue them because they were failing so hard. They proved that they aren't quite capable of the level of teamwork they need to be, which is why they have to take remedial classes now to fix that.
2023-08-09 22:02:49 I know you like Todoroki, but he deserved to fail. As they explained last episode, the \ test is meant to deal with All Might retiring. Since they have no one hero that can replace him, they plan on replacing him with heroes who can work in teams instead, so the whole point of the test is to find and pass those who can do so. Todoroki and Yoarshi fought each other instead of Gang Orca and nearly lost the fight because of it. Deku had to come in and rescue them because they were failing so hard. They proved that they aren't quite capable of the level of teamwork they need to be, which is why they have to take remedial classes now to fix that.

I know you like Todoroki, but he deserved to fail. As they explained last episode, the \ test is meant to deal with All Might retiring. Since they have no one hero that can replace him, they plan on replacing him with heroes who can work in teams instead, so the whole point of the test is to find and pass those who can do so. Todoroki and Yoarshi fought each other instead of Gang Orca and nearly lost the fight because of it. Deku had to come in and rescue them because they were failing so hard. They proved that they aren't quite capable of the level of teamwork they need to be, which is why they have to take remedial classes now to fix that.