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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/outvkxc47ah8914akh8pd/Luke-Cage-S02E13-They-Reminisce-Over-You-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=iez6g291ywgaf7m19113x63xe&dl=0

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Brendan O'Connor

I wish this show got a third season, the show runner said that it would’ve wrapped up the story neatly. Now we’ll never know what would’ve happened

Patrick - Excelsior

I think you might have missed Simon from ZEPL got killed. They showed his dead body twice in episode but you were looking down both times. I liked the comparison of Harlem's Paradise to Wolfram and Hart. Luke said we Should burn it down, and he should have, but didn't. I get what they are doing here, they were setting up and S3 story where Luke slowly gets further and further corrupted by his position until he finally comes around and gives up Harlem's Paradise and his position as crime boss of Harlem as he realizes he isn't making things better at all. They just didn't spend enough time getting him to that point in this season. Should have started that further back in this season so that it feels more earned by making the audience feel Luke had no other choice. Still, I think it would have made for an interesting season. Shame we will likely never know.