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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/uhqmipl8sftxwebnyh6xe/Person-Of-Interest-S02E18-All-In-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=hr8ahlkaa196fmp2vyobyum0a&dl=0

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I think the opening scene is one of the funniest in the series. I'm a sucker for anything that relates to Finch and Grace and also couple's that grow old together so I liked the story well enough. I love Reese didn't do anything at the Russian Roulette until the gun was pointed at Finch. Finch is the line never to cross for Reese and I love that. But, Reese should've let Leon keep the money, but I have a Leon bias.


Everyone is voting this series to win, because - essentially, everyone is "squirming" to see you react to the developments in "the main storyline" (as the seasons of this show continue), as all this procedural stuff will start (slowly) thinning away, and - it will all be getting, essentially and slowly, replaced by a more and more prominent main story line, which will culminate the series, by the 5th season, and "the procedural component" has been there only to get people familiar with characters, it is simply very subtly done, overall, but the main storyline is The Only Point, to the whole show. Anyway, wanted to say "Hi" from Los Angeles, California, where I live, and - this will be my last comment on your videos - as, for whatever reason, you completely ignored my comment, on the last episode, even though you did read the only other comment there - anyhow, maybe you thought that there'd be something revealing in there, doesn't matter...as I'm sitting here, in Los Angeles, waiting for my life to finally come to its end, for medical reasons, if - there is no way to know if you even read the comment or not (even, if with eyes, and not out loud), I will not be leaving them - no biggie. Anyhow - will hope you'll do more of this show, just like you did with "The Hunny" ("The 100", a.k.a. "The Hunny").


As I said on your previous comment, The first part of said comment you were talking about things relating to future seasons of the show and yours / other peoples views on them. These are leaning into expectation spoiler territory and are frowned upon here (and I'm sure with others in her line of work too). We'd like for people to please keep their comments related to the episode they're commenting on or any episode she's already watched. As for the 2nd part of your comment. You are aware of this too. You re-posted a part of your DM about The 100 several times. A show she finished a while ago and I did tell you she read it but that other people had also already informed her of this same information in comments while she watched the show. There's nothing she could add to it anymore.

Suzanne Hunt (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-02 19:54:49 I like Leon being back and the storyline of the old card shark! I love ❤️ Reese and Finch's supportive relationship!
2023-08-02 16:51:24 I like Leon being back and the storyline of the old card shark! I love ❤️ Reese and Finch's supportive relationship! I hope Person of Interest season 3 wins another poll so we will get a reaction a week as well as season 2!

I like Leon being back and the storyline of the old card shark! I love ❤️ Reese and Finch's supportive relationship! I hope Person of Interest season 3 wins another poll so we will get a reaction a week as well as season 2!

Suzanne Hunt

I really hope Person of Interest season 3 wins a poll for once a week reactions too!


Actually Harold did tell Reese about Grace, after Reese finished his investigation and left Grace’s home. He spotted Harold at a nearby bench and they talked about it. They also talked about it in the episode with the NSA guy who found out about the Machine.