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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/n1b1ikffa7y49or19rout/Ally-McBeal-S04E07-Love-On-Holiday-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=evrae79vga9g1sptkpd379o29&dl=0

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1. It's DEFINITELY weird if you bring your mum along for a date .....Even more weird when it's you doing it Froots ..Cause that'd be a botched date since you'd be annoyed all the time getting told you need to be more lady-like ....But even more weirder for me ....Hey Tony.. Why did you bring that empty urn with you? 2. RDJ CAN sing ....But I didn't care for this song at the beginning AT. ALL. .....Definitely NOT. the best song he's done on this show 3. Yeeeaaah pretty sure this is the 3rd sleepover now (maybe 4th) ....I VERY MUCH doubt that 30-ish year old women have such frequent amount of sleepovers (especially ones in high paying jobs like Ally and them) ....This is DEFINITELY the producers putting the actresses in pyjamas for some sort of reason 4. Honestly... Both Ling and Nelle are judging themselves MUCH higher than they're worth in my opinion ....Realistically ...I wouldn't be interested in either of them ...By real world standards I'm also not attracted to either of them ....Sorry but I don't think any of the women on this show are particularly good looking enough to excuse their personality 5. So Larry doesn't believe in talking about things? He'd rather figure shit out through body language?? That sounds unhealthy as FUCK. ....IF you have a problem.. TALK. IT. OUT. or risk ending your relationship ....And this doesn't just apply to romantic relationships either ...Communication is key to a healthy long lasting relationship 6. Really? She's a 30-something year old woman and she needs to bring someone along to talk to her boyfriend??? That's so pathetic... This woman has no business being in a relationship ...She can't stand up for herself.. It's sad ..Without her mum she's gonna let people just walk all over her ...added later... And the mum is enabling it! SMH 7. I have ZERO. clue as to the usefulness of the Vibra however it's spelled ....Other than ofcourse the show going for a gag (a gag I didn't find funny) 8. That guy just TOTALLY manipulated Nelle into kissing him (and more)... You're right Froots.. He completely played her like a fiddle yeah ...added later... I mean ok sure he's gonna be sentenced to life in jail or whatever tomorrow ...But it's still kinda fucked up the level of clear manipulation he used there to get Nelle to fall for him ...This was kinda gross 9. Really??? He's suing Elaine cause he's not her type?!? Dude... facepalm 10. Cindy having gay men bid on Richard at the auction and then having one of them end up dancing with the him .....I can approve of that form of revenge ...Richard is a big homophobe who has often treated people unfairly ...Look... There was no sex involved or anything like that ...Dude didn't kiss Richard so I can only say the payback was justified in my opinion ...Perhaps Richard will learn something from this (he probably won't though) 11. I don't feel bad for Nelle.. I mean... I feel bad that she obviously got manipulated into this situation ....However I don't feel bad for her in that she lost "her guy"... She's normally a stuck up bish who THINKS she can get any guy she wants anyways ....But more importantly ...And I honestly don't remember this particular part of the show's story or what's going to happen ...But I FEEL like this was all a bit too on the nose ...Like we're gonna be seeing Nelle trying to get this guy out of jail using her lawyer skills .....I have ZERO. clue on if I'm right on this I swear ...But I dunno... Maybe it's just me not being very trustful of people ....But it felt like a whole bunch of convenient timing to me