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Andrew Polinski

Yes that was a body double for Nicks mum the actress wasn't available as she was busy filming Limitless I believe or doing Broadway one of the two. TBH the fake head kind of looked like it belonged on Ru Paul's Drag Race. Trubel returned yay. Meisner returned to get Diana now the resistance can keep her safe. Ding dong the witch is dead (sorry had to say it). The royal family is basically all dead now, maybe some cousins are left but the main royals are gone. The Captain Renard B-Story concludes but they so did squeeze so much out of that. I don't think they could extend it further so glad that has concluded as well. Next up season 5, what a ride it has been.

Patrick - Excelsior

Just an FYI. The reason the writers made Adalind pregnant again so soon after last one is the actress Claire Coffee was pregnant in real life. Juliette doesn’t seem evil so much as sociopathic, she shows very little emotion at all except when she is angry. Yes, you never should have left Trubel. Don’t do it again. But why are you lying to Bud about phone call. Who is that. Is it the same one that was calling you before? Bud really showing support, letting all these people stay at his house, knowing the danger that presents. That King is creepy. The Resistance sneak out of nowhere to throw the King out a flying helicopter. I feel it’s safe to say he died. So now the Resistance once again has Diana, which seems to make her happy. First time we saw her smile since Kelly died. Yeah, I figured Juliette had to still be around since she wasn’t in the helicopter. I’m glad Nick didn’t kill her, that would have changed him. I’m shocked Trubel did, but it had to be somebody. The FBI Vesen is back and…we are left on a minor cliffhanger. Are we going to find out who she is, what she wants and where has Trubel been?


Loved this Finale!!! Loved the chemistry between Adalind and Nick especially the play acting they do when they found that head. Could not stop laughing. I almost cried listening to Nick scream when he found his mother's head. Wow. And Juliet, the betrayal, the regret, and then in the end I don't think she really would have killed Nick. I think she felt that what she did, the only way to atone for it was to make Nick kill her, but that's just my head-canon. And then Trubel comes in the Nick of Time! Of course bringing trouble with her. Who are these agent people and where have you been Trubel? We have missed you. Please don't leave. Also can we get some appreciation for Wu? They almost left him out of things again not telling him stuff. Have you people learned nothing from this season? Tell Wu! and he'll bring a shotgun. Always handy our Wu. Thank you so much for reacting to this show. Cannot wait for Season 5 and hopefully we get to meet Nick and Adalind's baby! With the King dead, can Adalind get her daughter back now? So many questions that I hope this next episode answers! Let's go Season 5! Also Trubel is Back!