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Retro Tom

based on your description, I'm convinced that perhaps what you remember of an episode may actually be fragments of a few episodes you may have seen in passing mixed together, but I may be wrong & maybe what you remember is still out there, I'll guess we'll see

Jeremy Burch

"we have a food shortage, it's getting really desperate", well, don't mind me, I'll just be over here eating my sandwich and drinking my apparently 11th cup of coffee of the day. You, know it really is kind of a bummer getting a visit from the Atlantis team. "Oh, you had plans for the Wraith did you, well about that, yeah, we kind of woke them up early, our bad". That being said, they were an incredibly distrustful people, things could have worked out for them so much better, if they just tried having a little trust. I liked Sheppard and Ford's back and forth in this episode.


1. I dunno Froots... I've never gone to a place to get food and find it to be closed and think to myself ...Y'know what? ..I'mma get some matches and torch this bish to the ground ...I'd have to be VERY hungry to get THAT upset ...I guess it's a good thing you order take-out more than you go out ....There's probably a huge chance the amount of options to choose from decreases after every time you go out .....Lots of burned down places all over Melbourne 2. Will we ever find out which episode of Atlantis Froots barely remembers? Will the Melbourne Arsonist ever be caught? Find out next time.. On Dragonball Z! 3. Nah Froots... They didn't cut Teyla's hair ...That's a wig ...When asked in an interview with Rachel Luttrell (Teyla) how long it took to dye her hair she confessed that it wasn't her hair that was showing on screen ...It's a 7000$ (sometimes very convincing looking) wig 4. Random side note: And here we have yet another appearance by a well known Star Trek actor in the role of a character on Stargate ....In this case Colm Meaney as Cowen.. Leader of the Genii ...He was Chief Miles O'brien on Star Trek The Next Generation and Star Trek Deep Space Nine 5. I mean... You make a good point ...Why should we give the Genii C4 when we could just clear some more tree stumps and keep the C4 to ourselves ...Bit of a risky move to give people you've JUST met explosives 6. Yeeeeeah you made another good point... The Genii are living in an underground city... A massive city... They'd have to had cleared all that space out somehow and I doubt they did it with pickaxes ....The fact they haven't mastered the technology of explosives.. Yet they have the technology to make guns (bullets get propelled by tiny explosions as far as I'm aware) ...It's kind of confusing how they got stumped and weren't able to figure out C4 which ...Not ENTIRELY the same as regular explosives ...But still 7. HA! McKay: "I built an atomic bomb for my grade 6 science fair exhibit" Ford: "They let you do that in Canada?" ....That made me laugh ...Look at the American soldier being like what the fuck are they teaching kids in Canada!?! 8. Yeeeeah bit of a weird part of the episode ...Teyla and this Genii dude are supposedly ordered to help survivors but as soon as they actually find one the Genii dude is like nah bish we ain't doing this ....And then the dude gets killed cause he was being loud ....Should've stayed with the group 9. Cowen was a fucking dumbass for thinking we only have ONE Puddle Jumper ...Come on ....How would we hope to defeat The Wraith with one tiny shuttle!?!? ......Cause that's basically what it is ...A shuttle ...Meant to transport people around ......If only he knew WHERE they came from 10. Yeah.. All the Genii had to do was to be a bit more trusting of Sheppard and his team and they'd have had a powerful ally against The Wraith ...But instead they were schemey bastards double crossing us every chance they got ....Looks like we've now got 2 enemies to deal with... The Wraith and the Genii 11. And now we've got the ability to detect Wraith ships ...It'll be easier to know if/or when they make their way towards Atlantis .....Although I gotta say ...They said there might be 60 ships or more in total in Pegasus ..And then they claimed that was a lot ....I dunno ...On a galactic scale ...I very much doubt you'd be able to control the entire Pegasus galaxy with only 60-ish ships ...I think from a story-telling point of view they shouldn't have disclosed that number cause to me 60 sounds kinda low ...Especially if you remember The Ancients lost their war against them ...60 ships!?!? ...I feel that a fuckton of drones and perhaps Ancient ships could've probably have dealt with that but ok