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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/xepfmr2pm67xpr45xxm3r/Luke-Cage-S02E11-The-Creator-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=o8b3k33meykuex6i7givlvv4r&dl=0

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Patrick - Excelsior

OK, I could have done without the repeated views of the burned body. Yeah, it sucked that the Danny cross-over was a one shot. It was best part of the season. I went back and checked; Luke did say he wanted to handle it on his own. Danny said he would support him, but left it at that. Mariah was really pushing Shades buttons, she’s lucky he didn’t choke her to death. But she did push him right into the arms of the police. That was stupid. We got some more backstory on Bushmaster. I wish they had toned down on the accent though. Its it hard to tell what they are saying without subtitles on. Luckily, we already knew most of it from a couple episodes ago. The only really new information was that vaccine shot but I’m not sure what that was supposed to mean. Are they implying it was 'Green Light' with a Black Lightning cross-over story, not likely. 🤪