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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/mza0sbpwxqlq2ku8wv35h/Naomi-S01E11-Worst-Prom-Ever-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=ry10bpkwo49dzvu27i6kcd031&dl=0

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1. I meeeeaan.. Clark wouldn't act like a dick for sure ....But we've seen him on red kryptonite ....Jonathan needed some powers of his own just to put some sense into Clark .....So again I say ....If Naomi were to start acting up ...The fuck are her parents gonna do about it? 2. Bad guy to Naomi: "My name is Julian and the real question you should be asking is where am I" ......Me on behalf of Naomi: "Bish I already know where I am ....Where are you?!" 3. This is the LONGEST version of "I'm an alien" I've ever seen ....Dude keeps telling Naomi he doesn't understand what she's trying to tell him ....Dude... Are you fucking slow??? If someone REPEATEDLY in tears is telling you "I'm not from around here" What the fuck do you THINK it means!? .....You're right Froots... She SHOULD use her powers in front of him ..Maybe then his dumbass MIGHT get the hint 4. Yeah no shit Sherlocks ...Ofcourse that was a decoy ....Who the fuck stupid enough would think a device in S.T.A.R. Labs in what I'm pretty sure is Metropolis or at least some other big city would be projecting a forcefield over some random school in Port Valguero or some shit a fuckton distance away?!? ....That shit HAS to be nearby ....And IF you're smart about it and want that shit to be foolproof you'll hide it INSIDE the fucking school ....Jeebus these guys are morons! (just so we're aware.. they never tried finding the ACTUAL device) 5. Hoooooold UP.... Since fucking when is Naomi able to use superspeed??? ...Getting from one side of the school to the other in less than a second??? Y'know I'd be surprised that her friends are putting so much faith in her ability to all of a sudden control her powers in ways she's never even shown before ...But sure ...We've got 5 minutes left in this episode ...She's gonna pull a miracle out of her ass ..Let's go 6. So lemme get this straight ....They're not gonna be in a relationship any more since that would put him in danger ....But they are still going to be friends .....Cause ...Yeeeeeaaahhh... I see a flaw in your plan mah dude ....Face it... You just didn't wanna date her any more