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Patrick - Excelsior

I guess the furries got to love a fuchsbau prostitute. Eeew, he cut her belly open, this furry like furry kidneys I guess. Nope…ovary. I like how they showed how much the trailer meant to each of them. Especially Nick. Monroe and his ogre rifle was cute. This episode is just packed full of eeew moments. The sliced open girl. Adalind's mom getting dissected. Adalind drinking her Mom. I have to say, I like Claire Coffee in this role. She puts a lot of humor in the role. Its hard to not like her. To get her hexenbiest back Adalind did the ritual over in Europe with the Romani hexenbiest. The stuff with impersonating Juliette was done at request of the royals to remove Nick’s grimm powers. It seems having her first baby changed her a bit and being pregnant with another has changed her more, that is if you believe what she said at her mother’s grave. Lost a couple hexenbiest this episode. Adalind gave hers up and Henrietta got sliced. Interesting theory Shan, hopefully we find out before too long.

James (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-15 19:28:50 I dont know if there is any truth to this but i have a theory on why the intro changes constantly. I think they change it based on runtime of the episode. TV thats broadcast on network tv or cable have to have a very specific amount of footage. Alot of times frames matter so when they have different intros, they can make the actual episode a big longer or shorter to compensate the extra few seconds they might need. Sometimes seconds are very important even if it doesnt seem that way. I really liked this episode. Nothing really felt like filler, the main story was front and center and the side story didnt get solved which makes me believe it has more importance. Honestly this is what MOTW should be for this show. Have one case go on for more than one episode as the side plot and have the main story the main plot all the time.
2023-07-15 15:41:59 I dont know if there is any truth to this but i have a theory on why the intro changes constantly. I think they change it based on runtime of the episode. TV thats broadcast on network tv or cable have to have a very specific amount of footage. Alot of times frames matter so when they have different intros, they can make the actual episode a big longer or shorter to compensate the extra few seconds they might need. Sometimes seconds are very important even if it doesnt seem that way. I remember some tv editors even saying they were constantly having to remove single frames to have it be at an exact runtime. Its very strict. I really liked this episode. Nothing really felt like filler, the main story was front and center and the side story didnt get solved which makes me believe it has more importance. Honestly this is what MOTW should be for this show. Have one case go on for more than one episode as the side plot and have the main story the main plot all the time.

I dont know if there is any truth to this but i have a theory on why the intro changes constantly. I think they change it based on runtime of the episode. TV thats broadcast on network tv or cable have to have a very specific amount of footage. Alot of times frames matter so when they have different intros, they can make the actual episode a big longer or shorter to compensate the extra few seconds they might need. Sometimes seconds are very important even if it doesnt seem that way. I remember some tv editors even saying they were constantly having to remove single frames to have it be at an exact runtime. Its very strict. I really liked this episode. Nothing really felt like filler, the main story was front and center and the side story didnt get solved which makes me believe it has more importance. Honestly this is what MOTW should be for this show. Have one case go on for more than one episode as the side plot and have the main story the main plot all the time.

Andrew Polinski

This episode kind of proved the theory that there is a darker side to Hexenbiest's, because we the demonic ghost being contained. So it probably means that how evil a hexenbiest is determined how much they let the dark side control them or maybe more accurately influence them.