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This week I've had a lot of anxiety and cramps and I am struggling to get everything done on time.

I've decided that this week I'll be doing just regular content - no selections will be posted or recorded this week.


Will have NO regular content and ONLY selections recorded and posted.

This way I will be able to relax my anxieties and get everything done (hopefully).

I hope thats ok with everybody.

So everything next week will be pushed back one week, sorry about that but it's all I can do for now.

Today I'm suppose to record Stargate and Invasion but I am honestly not feeling great. I've had a horrible pain in my stomach all day.

These will likely be recorded tomorrow - If I don't feel better soon.

Again, sorry to disappoint.

I'll make up for it at some point - I promise. But for now, this is it. Mental and Physical health is most important. 



I like that plan. Maybe it can be a permanent plan. 3 weeks of the month, regular schedule. 1 week of the month, selections. Personally I'd have absolutely zero problem with that.


I'm proud of you kiddo . Relax, rest and recover.

Mike Simonton

Take care of yourself.

Patrick - Excelsior

Rest and heal Shan. You have to take care of yourself. I like the plan.

Steve Quast

Do what you've gotta do, Shan. Your mental and physical health is very important to all of us. Please don't feel like you've disappointed anyone (I understand that's more easily said than done, though). I'm always happy to wait and watch whenever you post.


Shan, you're fine. Im excited for your Stargate reactions but i can wait. You need to focus on your mental health first. Only do it if youre really feeling up for it. Dont force yourself.

Retro Tom (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-30 13:17:35 Late to the party, but I genuinely hope you feel better both mentally & physically. I know what it feels like both ways to feel like shit & I wish others never had to feel that way
2023-06-29 21:38:21 Late to the party, but I genuinely hope you feel better both mentally & physically. I know what it feels like both ways to feel like shit & I wish others never had to feel that way

Late to the party, but I genuinely hope you feel better both mentally & physically. I know what it feels like both ways to feel like shit & I wish others never had to feel that way