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This is one of my favorite episodes. I love that Morgan finally found out, his character has grown alot. Hes now more cute and funny than annoying. I love how loyal he is to chuck and how their friendship is. Now that he knows it will be fun to just see them hang out more and see morgan maybe help sometimes and be involved. Overall great episode and im excited for more! Now the only person we need to find out is Ellie. I wonder when/if she finds out. Well i know the answer but im not telling lol glad you enjoyed. This buy more stuff was just great, the way they fully incorporated the buy more stuff into the episode and made it be such an important part of the main story is what they should do more often so it feels like it has a purpose. Well done! I love how youve come around to liking morgan by calling him cute when he was wanting to be a hero or practicing moves. He was also hilarious this episode too. Im surprised Lester hasnt found out about chuck yet since he is so snoopy and stalkerish lol I feel bad for devon, i think honestly i would be in the same boat as him. Just being so scared of what could happen and not being able to get away from it. Hes just trying to protect Ellie and trying to be a good husband. Im just so happy that they decided to start revealing the secrets at the end of season 2 and now the middle of season 3 so they dont drag it out for multiple seasons and be annoying. I honestly hate the "keep it a secret from friends and family because it will protect them" No it wont. It will just make them oblivious to any dangers and they wont be able to look out to protect themselves.

Patrick - Excelsior

So glad you are feeling a little better. Sorry about the eye. Great episode, been waiting for this one. Once again a Klingon Bat'leth makes an appearance in a non-Star Trek show in the dojo in Castle where Chuck and Morgan are tied up. Am I crazy or is Jeffster sounding better every time they sing. When the Buy-More employees raise the flag at the entrance to building, they are reenacting the famous Iwo Jima picture/statue.


I actually kind of like their singing somewhat. Its not amazing but its also not bad either.

Jeremy Burch

I really liked this episode, I loved the way they handled Morgan finding out. A lot of shows just can't help but have the person finding out being angry for an episode or sometimes several but I loved that Morgan didn't get angry at all, he just thought it was awesome. I also like they way they use Jeffster in the show, not Jeff and Lester but Jeffster, I feel like when you see a Jeffster performance happening you know something big is happening, like a wedding or Morgan finding out the truth. Also, Jeff was mildly useful in this episode he helped Casey, so that was something, I guess. I'm glad you enjoyed the episode, I look forward to the next one.

Zach Hershman

I think whether a person gets angry or not should depend on the circumstances. A few examples, Tyler on TVD wasn't angry when he found out about Caroline, but he was angry she lied about Damon and Stefan. That anger was earned because Damon killed his uncle (his other actions are another story). Camille on The Originals had every right to be angry since Klaus was altering her memories. On the other hand, Iris on The Flash should have been disappointed, and maybe upset, but not angry. Tommy on Arrow should never have been upset. Oliver hadn't been lying to him that long and he just saved him and his dad. Disappointed/concerned/scared? Sure.

Jeremy Burch

True to everything you said, I was mostly talking about secret Spy identities or Superhero Identities, like this show or Superman, Supergirl type shows.

Fredrik IB

Man, I love this episode, and it's regarded by the fans as one of the best episodes of Chuck (directorial debut for Zach Levi too). This episode encapsulates perfectly why I love Morgan so much. The FIRST thing he does is tell Chuck. He is loyal to a fault. Sometimes we think Morgan doesn't deserve Chuck, but quite often I think the opposite. Morgan also trying to reassure Chuck when they're captured that he'll get them out of this. It's very endearing. He has come a long, long way from Season 1. I also love the way he embraced the truth. It would be such an easy thing to drag on a storyline where Morgan hates what Chuck did and lied etc. Morgan is the kind of best friend you want (at least the more mature version of him :) ). I know the Buy More is an acquired taste, but this kind of episode is great imo. When they manage to merge the storylines of the spy stuff and Buy More together seamlessly like this, I get impressed. I also really like the fact that they're showing Awesome as jittery and scared. He isn't superhuman and he has fears like every other person. Great reaction and looking forward to more.

David Brown

Hannah's purpose was to be another obstacle in the Chuck and Sarah will they/won't they. She was the 'Emily'. At least Chuck didn't call her 'Sarah'.

Tony (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-05 07:08:35 1. The validation of your feelings was coincidental... While I wouldn't want to make you feel invalidated... We just happen to have a lot of the same opinions on things ...I stand by what I said and also agree with you ..People can argue with the wall when it comes to trying to tell us that Sarah telling Shaw her real name was in character ...It wasn't ...The end. 2. This is something I forgot to say for last episode ...Chuck was pretending to be an assassin ....They stated that nobody really knew what this assassin looked like ...Yet Chuck was able to figure out what the dude looked like with the intersect??? How is that possible?? If nobody know what the dude looks like why would it be in the intersect? 3. Finally Morgan knows ...Perhaps now he'll start acting a bit more mature knowing there's bigger things at stake 4. Ok deeeeefinitely a case of TV Show gotta TV show going on there ...Casey can't unlock the secret door behind the lockers ..The bad guys barge in weapons drawn and Casey for a moment is thrown out of the way ...Bad guys could've killed him right then and there but for a solid 5 seconds they just stand there with their weapons pointed at him waiting for him to start fighting them with his bare hands
2023-06-05 03:49:06

Fredrik IB

I just want to say regarding your first point. It's fine that you and everyone have different opinions. That's what make things interesting. But why take your subjective views as the only possible fact? It's fine that you feel it wasn't in character, and it's fine that some people feel it was.


1. The validation of your feelings was coincidental... While I wouldn't want to make you feel invalidated... We just happen to have a lot of the same opinions on things ...I stand by what I said and also agree with you ..People can argue with the wall when it comes to trying to tell us that Sarah telling Shaw her real name was in character ...It wasn't ...The end. 2. This is something I forgot to say for last episode ...Chuck was pretending to be an assassin ....They stated that nobody really knew what this assassin looked like ...Yet Chuck was able to figure out what the dude looked like with the intersect??? How is that possible?? If nobody know what the dude looks like why would it be in the intersect? 3. Finally Morgan knows ...Perhaps now he'll start acting a bit more mature knowing there's bigger things at stake 4. Ok deeeeefinitely a case of TV Show gotta TV show going on there ...Casey can't unlock the secret door behind the lockers ..The bad guys barge in weapons drawn and Casey for a moment is thrown out of the way ...Bad guys could've killed him right then and there but for a solid 5 seconds they just stand there with their weapons pointed at him waiting for him to start fighting them with his bare hands