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Todays stuff will be out tomorrow and so on

Sorry about the delays!


Brennon Booth

I'm glad you're feeling a little better, but take your time.

Suzanne Hunt

Shannan, your mental health is very important! I hope you are feeling better! I also suffer with mental issues so I understand! Your reactions always brighten my day! Your reactions originally persuaded me to first watch Buffy! I have watched your Buffy, Arrow, Agents of Shield, Once upon a time and The Vampire Diaries reactions on YouTube for years! I am a new Patron and I have been enjoying your old Revenge and newer Person of Interest so far! I plan to watch Stargate SG-1, Roswell, Chuck, and Grey's Anatomy! Thank you so much for all the backlog of shows! You are a very special and inspirational person!

Patrick - Excelsior

Take your time Shan. There is no rush. Everyone is entitled to some me time. Heck, you are Australian. That means you get 4 weeks mandated vacation per year. Don't forget that. And that's not counting sick days or medical leave. You took what, 1 week off last year. Rest, Relax, recharge. Come back strong.


Please don't rush, if you need time take time . Not only is your mental health important but a rested Shan gives better reactions. You really should fit mandated downtime into your yearly schedule.


np hope everythings alright take ur time

Jake Hodgson

Downtime is a great suggestion. I know that (at least with the reactions I've watched) she takes a break at the end of each shows collective season(s). Maybe while watching a show she could take a week or two break at what would be the shows midseason. Sure not all shows would line up but it would result in some less stressful weeks that may help.


relax and please dont rush


Any update?


Im glad youre feeling better. Just dont force yourself to do something if you dont feel like doing it right away. Your mental health is more important.