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I believe chuck can grow and have character development without turning into a different person. He has morals that he should always stick to. He can always find another way and that is what makes chuck so different from other spies. He doesnt go around killing people, he finds better ways to solve these problems. I dont think Sarah was out of character. Shes just trying to find her true self again and she thinks she cant have chuck so shes getting comfort from shaw. She isnt perfect and 1 dimensional. Shes a very 3 dimensional and complex character. The reason why she doesnt like what chuck is turning into is because it reminds her of what every spy was like before they became a spy. Sarah was geeky too before and she became a cold hearted killing machine. Shes now finally undoing all that and becoming more like her true self. She just doesnt want chuck to become that. Especially since chuck never wanted to become like that. Theres alot of layers to sarah that alot of people miss.


When Hannah said she dated a lot of liars before was she referring to jason teague, lex luthor and clark kent


Shan versus The Fake Pepsi :) I like that the color matches the thumbnail lol!


These last two episodes leave me very conflicted. When I first saw them I felt a certain way but by the end of the season felt differently. My thoughts about Sarah telling Shaw her name went the same way. Won’t say how my opinion changed so not to create expectations at least not till end of season . I do understand why you feel Sarah is acting out of character and it does feel so weird for her telling Shaw.

Patrick - Excelsior

The 2 Italian guys in the bar are Tony Sirico and Louis Lombardi. Both actors were regulars on the show The Soprano's. A show about the Mafia. In fact both were talking exactly like the characters they played in that show. The 1/2 mile shot at the hotel is not that amazing using that rifle and scope. There are snipers that can shot 1 mile with no scope, just the iron sight. I knew a guy that was in Army that could do that.

Jeremy Burch

I'm not entirely sure if it feels out of character for Sarah, for awhile now she has been becoming less interested in the spy life and has been wanting a real life and to be a real person again. Plus she has been getting worried that Chuck is changing into the kind of person she and Casey used to be, which granted he might not, changing can be a good thing, but becoming a spy means lying, using people and possibly killing people, which no matter how hard you try, would change you, quite possibly for the worse, which Sarah is worried about. So that and her desire for a real life is why she decided to tell Shaw her real name, I hated it the first time I watched this episode and I still don't love it, but I feel like it was honest for her character, with how much she has been wanting to be real again lately, if she in that moment had not given him her real name, as much as I might have preferred that because I wanted Chuck to be the person she told, it wouldn't have been honest for her character and it wouldn't have been good for her character. Also, I don't think her telling him her real name was even about him, it was just about being able to be herself again. I felt bad for Hannah, I think Chuck breaking up with her was the right decision, but breaking up with her right after sleeping with her, the timing of that, kind of terrible. Chuck pretending to be the assassin had some great moments, I think this was a good episode and a great reaction.

Fredrik IB

I think Sarah's actions make sense. Chuck's been her only way to connect with her innocent self, and now that she feels like she's losing that side of him, she desperately tries to connect with her own innocence. Her younger self (also why she told Shaw that she can barely remember who she is anymore). When she's terrified of losing an important part of herself, it makes sense to me that she tries a hail mary to connect with that part again. I think of it this way: Sarah couldn't tell Chuck because she loves him and that love terrifies her. It's easier to tell Shaw because she doesn't love him. I did have the same initial reaction as you, though. Also, Edgar from 24 (the guy who asked Chuck about the toughest hit)! Woooo! Anyway. Also, Casey's lines are the best. "5 people in the world can make this shot, huh?? Guess i'm one of them." Good reaction and looking forward to more :)


Well seems we're the only ones in agreement Froots.. Yeah I'm assuming Sarah never told Bryce her real name either and she knew him perhaps for longer than she knew Chuckles... But she's known Shaw for half a minute and she told HIM her real name?!? Nah... Take it back to the shop.. I don't like it either ...If I'd known someone for so long and some new guy shows up and THEY get to know something but I don't!? ...I'd be pissed too ...Chuckles had a very real and justified reaction there and it felt very out of character for Sarah to tell Shaw