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LOL @ Hetty from Ghosts saying 'Ya, sure, I believe in ghosts don't you' Was definitely getting Buffy 'I Only Have Eyes For You' vibes with the ghosts dancing and the similar music

Patrick - Excelsior

Getting definite Ghostfacers episode vibes from Supernatural. Yeah, they kind of slipped back into Monster of the Week mode. They tend to do that, so don’t be surprised. Yes, the MotW here is fairly forgettable. The Juliette stuff is interesting though. Dude wanted to know why his car blew up, it’s called Karma, for being an ass. The song in the "haunted house" is "You Belong To Me" by Santo and Johnny . But it does sound a little like "I Only Have Eyes for You" by the Flamingos from the Buffy episode by the same name. Also both the Buffy episode and this one were ghost related. Beside the Ghost hunters, this episode shared something else in common with the Supernatural Ghostfacers first episode. Both this episode and the Ghostfacers episode had a house that appeared to be haunted but in fact it was some other creature involved. Here it's a Matança Zumbido, in supernatural it was a Tulpa. Yes, that was a weird ritual to protect yourself from an attack from electrocution. Most of the things Nick has had to do to fight Vesen have made sense. A big gun, special poisons, or specialized knives or crossbows. But rubbing paste in a pierced ear just sounds like its there for comedic effect. Takes me out of the show. I don’t mind it being comedic but follow some kind of logic. Not a good episode, I thought it was boring too. Especially after the previous three.


the ear thing kinda seems like an old mediaeval or Romani folk medicine or curse protection


Favorite parts of the episode were the Juliette bits. The crazy magic letters and numbers, I like the effect of how she magically entered the house. It was all designed so creatively that it feels like two different shows between the great Juliette parts and the boring ghost stuff. Anyways, Juliette totally wrecked that guys car. Sure, he was a jerk, but I feel like Juliette is becoming more dangerous, definitely not in a good way. She's like a walking loaded gun. Definitely worried.