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James jackson

I watched the final season as it aired but i haven't done a rewatch until going through this with you and i have enjoyed myself on this journey with you.


I did watch the entire show with you. I had never been into these kind of shows before. I subscribed for the arrowverse, but then I saw you react to this new show I had never seen before. I was really interested because, well the first season was really good. I enjoyed when she was getting revenge every episode. It did kinda upset me when she just stopped and after bigger targets. Then she kinda just slowed down, but I was already interested in the show, and didn't want to stop so I followed along. But I did really enjoy the show, even though it had lots of ups and downs, screw Aiden.

Chris Peacock

Ok. So I'm STILL at the beginning of season 3 on these reactions. lol But I will say that while this final season was easily the weakest for me personally (and I imagine most people), I do enjoy several things about it. I liked that David ended up being alive (not so much the how). It did not invalidate all Emily had done before. In fact, David's notebooks specifically asking her not to do it invalidated all Emily had done whether he came back or not. That and David being dead was not what Emily was getting revenge on the Grayson's in the first place. Just the frame job. His "death" just made it so she was more upset about it. I loved Louise. For me she fills the spot in the cast that the real Emily had before she died. They are very different characters, but I look at real Emily's relationship with Emily and Louise's relationship with Victoria and see a lot of similarities. I liked Margaux. I know a lot of people don't though. I can't say I love her plot. But I enjoy the character. As for the actual ending itself. I think it's cheating. But I am happy the show fulfilled it's episode 1 promise of having the Revenge cost Emily dearly while managing to give her a happy ending. Again. They cheated. But I forgive it. lol Thank you for reacting to this for me. For those who don't know this whole show was my pick. I know I've fallen behind but I'll watch these eventually. I know you didn't like this show as much as I did, but I hope (and think) you still enjoyed the ride for what it was.


I do remember watching this show when it aired and loved it. season 4. Felt bad when Daniel died. Well, atleast the actors of Daniel and Emily/Amanda got married in real life.

Leora Nechama

Thank you for reacting to this show in full! It definitely had its flaws but it was one of my favorites and I haven't seen anyone else react to it. I shipped Jack and Emily/Amanda but I definitely wish we'd gotten to see more of them together. Also puppy!!!!

Zach Hershman

This show, which I watched when it initially aired, had a great premise, but that’s where it got tripped up. The idea they setup at the end with Nolan going after revenge for someone else (A spin-off / reboot of him getting revenge for someone else has been talked about a lot in the past) would have probably been a better way to go after season two. Maybe an anthology series with Amanda helping others get revenge.