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This was part of an Arrowverse week!

Black Lightning & The Flash were today.

Tomorrow for Arrowverse week is The Flash 6x08 & Arrow 8x07!




This is one of my favorite episodes of the show because of Grant's performance. Also to be fair, Kamilla is just naturally unintentionally adorable

Reece Hart

I forgot how good this episode was. Grant absolutely killed it


Great timing with it being 2 days from crisis both in the show and in arrowverse week :) Also I hope you'll enjoy Shang-Chi! :)


Underrated episode


I don't think you can call it underrated, if majority of people who watched it - loved it) But this episode is very very good. Shame a lot of people didn't watch it and dropped out of the Flash 'cause previous seasons weren't up to snuff))


Great ep. The best since episode 100th last season. Magnificent performance by Grant.....and Sendil was just chewing the scenery in the best possible way as Ramsey, or should I say, as Bloodwork! Man I love this name, I don't know why I love this name so much, but I do. Also, Chad Lowe directed this episode. He's Aria's father from Pretty Little Liars, that you probably remember) He also directed a couple of Supergirl eps before. And on Supergirl he played Coville, the cultist leader that worshiped Supergirl and all the Kryptonian sh!t, before the switched to worshiping Reign in season 3. I'm glad Iris is doing something with her Team Citizen, I'm not her biggest fan, but there was legit no good reason for her to become Team Flash leader and abandon her journalist storyline a couple of seasons ago. So I'm glad she's back where she probably should have been a long time ago)