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Zach Hershman

Mia isn’t the reason they got caught. They showed the Bratva notice Oliver right away. They were going to catch Oliver no matter what. Mia just happened to get caught with him because she stuck around.

Zach Hershman

The longer seasons can drag on if not done right, but I agree they do help you grow more attached to characters. The future stuff in season 7, which honestly only took up around 5 to 7 minutes each episode, wasn't great. Those scenes and getting to know adult William and Mia is playing a huge emotional role now. I love seeing Oliver's interactions with them as much as I do with the nostalgic characters. Maybe even more since it does a great job of showing how much Oliver has grown.


So I am confused about next week if there are not enough hearts on one episode what happens


My evolution in opinion of Laurel on Arrow is kind of funny. I wasn't the biggest fan of her after the season 1 finale. When I watched season 4, I realized how important she was to the comics and Green Arrow and started liking her again. What happens when I started liking her again? The writers killed her off. I was so upset when that happened. When Earth-2 Laurel came in, I was in full support of her. Even when she was a villain, I was cheering her on because they deserve that after how the writers treated Earth-1 Laurel. Lol. The point I'm making is Laurel has my full support in everything that she does. I'm so happy she's back as the Black Canary.

Andrew Polinski

ok i will try to explain it, If "A" doesn't get enough hearts then "B" gets moved to the next day. Then if "B" gets enough hearts then "C" is watched and released same day. If "B" doesn't get enough then "C" is moved to the next day So and So Forth. So there is a potential for Shan not getting to the crossover event in Arrow week, but as we have said the odds of that happening are extremely low.

Steven Davison

Yeah when I first watched this episode and saw them both throw smoke bombs and disappear I was kinda annoyed. But looking back I think it's the show poking fun at itself. The amount of times in Arrow someone has thrown a smoke bomb and just disappeared is amazing, it's happened a lot. So with this being the last season, they both turn and look at each other, smile and then throw the smoke bombs and disappear. I kinda just choose to look at it as they're poking fun at how many times they've done that in the show and it makes no sense.

Andrew Polinski

It took you way less than 13 episodes to love Laurel so you don't actually need the extra 9-11 episodes each season, as only Laurel matters.


Well Thea actually didn't learn to control her bloodlust, she was cured by Lotus elixir in season 4. Remember, Malcolm was feeding her people to kill, but she refused, so her wound from Ra's opened and she was dying. Nyssa went to the Crescent Order to get the Lotus, she fought Katana for it. Nyssa said she would give Oliver the elixir if he kills Malcolm, insead Oliver cut off his arm in trial by combat and Nyssa disbanded the League. And Malcolm was bitter and went to work for Damien Darhk and spilled the info that Ollie had a son. It was season 4, so you probably erased it from your memory. Sara thing was different, she had the bloodlust easier since Constantine reunited her soul with her body. I believe the still had it in Legends season 1, but when she, Ray and Kendra were stuck in the past, she rejoined the League of Assassins and learned to fully control her bloodlust. Because I don't ever remember it being brought up again in the series since that. Maybe Ra's taught her some stuff, since he was using Lazarus Pit for centuries))) Also in 7x20, the episode where Roy kills two guards, he says to Ollie that Nyssa and Thea gave him Lotus elixir, but that it didn't work and he still retained the bloodlust, he said that maybe it was because of previously having Mirakuru in his system, but he wasn't sure. Onto the actual episode. Oliver farewell tour continues. So very glad that we left with Anatholy on great terms. He's right, it really does suit Oliver to be a parent. All the stuff with Mia and William really works for me. Kinda goes agains my previous comment about 10-13 episode seasons, but I wish we got more time with Ollie and the kids, even Fel with them))) I liked season 5 flashbacks with Bratva (maybe 'cause I'm Russian, maybe not, who knows). So episode probably worked even better for me. It took Arrow ending for the show to give us the Laurel content we deserve. But, at least, thank God we are getting what we getting))) Roy stuff was fine. I'm just glad he's back with the team. Should've never even left after only like 3-4 episodes stint in the end of season 7(and doing a whole lot of nothing in the first three-quarters of that season)

David Brown



Yo Froots, I hope you have fun this week. I look forward to talking to you about it, For an infinitude of reasons. See you around the multi-verse. Sinceriously, T. 😜✌