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In this post is a gif for the schedule, there are also separate images for the schedules if you wanted to specifically look at those.

Stargate SG-1 -

YOUTUBE: 1x05 today but it could get blocked as MGM is a bit mean :(

PATREON: 1x09 & 1x10 today!

Stranger Things -

YOUTUBE: Unsure if 2x01 will be this week or next.

PATREON: All 3 seasons are available at the $2 tier.

Once Upon A Time -

YOUTUBE: 5x04  & 5x05 - both are TBD as idk whats going on with it.

PATREON: 6x03 & 6x04 today. However, it's storming and hailing so I may wait it out.

Legacies -

YOUTUBE: On break!

PATREON: On break! Returns Oct 14th I think

Luke Cage -

YOUTUBE: 1x10 this week! (ik I fucked up the schedule and listed 1x09, but i cba fixing it :P)

PATREON: on break!

Iron Fist -


PATREON: Still working on getting this done, been busy lately.

Supernatural -

YOUTUBE: FINISHED. We decided to upload the whole of season 15 to YouTube, make sure to check out the series finale edit! Lots of cameos!

Ally McBeal -

YOUTUBE: 1x05 on Wednesday... hope its unblocked in time tho!

PATREON: 1x06 on Wednesday.

Chuck -

YOUTUBE: No more Chuck, at least for the time being. 

PATREON: All of season 1 is available at the $2 tier, 2x01, 2x02 & 2x03 is also available. 2x04 will be available in the next week.

Revenge -

PATREON: 4x09 & 4x10 on Wednesday.

The Boys -

YOUTUBE: One week break between seasons.

PATREON: Nothing for now.

iZombie -

YOUTUBE: No plans to come to youtube right now soz if you wanna see me freak out gotta be a patron soz

PATREON: 1x11 & 1x12 on thursday!

The 100 -

I'll be binging this after I have done Iron fist season 1.

Arrowverse -

YOUTUBE: By the end of this week, The Flash 5x09, Arrow 7x09, Supergirl 4x09, Legends of tomorrow 4x08, Arrow 7x10 & 7x11 are suppose to be out. However, am having some scheduling, blocking & just overall issues right now so for now it's all TBD.

PATREON: Supergirl 5x05, The Flash 6x05, Arrow 8x04 & Batwoman 1x06 this week! If you're curious about the rest of the Arrowverse, check out the schedule for upcoming weeks here: https://www.aftershowreactions.com/schedule

WandaVision/Falcon & The Winter Soldier/Loki/What If -


PATREON: What If...? 1x07, 1x08 & 1x09 will hopefully* be reacted to this week sometime. 

Titans -

I think I'll wait for the season to end before doing it weekly or as a binge & release, but I may change my mind.

Update on me -

So, for those of you who didn't even notice I was gone, I was gone! I moved houses and I'm still getting set up. My background is bland and boring but it will evolve. There will likely still be delays to things over this upcoming week, but I hope you guys can forgive me for that. I will always try to make it up to you guys. 

Pilots - 

Usually, I am late with these, but I think I'll be even more late than usual based on the fact I have moved and I'm behind on so many things. I'll try my best to have them out by the end of this week, apologies for the inconvenience. 


The past month, we've been working on on a website that will be updated with the posted reactions each week. The idea is so that you're able to find content much easier for both Patreon & YouTube, we've put in a LOT of extra effort into the website and I'm really excited to be able to share it with you all. By the time I post this, I'll have released it to you guys!

Check it out here: www.aftershowreactions.com

I'm really proud of it.




For pilots, you could release in 2 batches. I think the unusual circumstances this time are enough to break from the tradition of one big pilot drop this once. Either way, end of this week wouldn't even break the record so no biggie :)

Fredrik IB

Is there any timetable for when the next poll vote will be for another bing and release show?


A new poll will most likely not come until Shannan finishes the current binge, As of right now if she sticks to her schedule she'd be done with binging The 100 somewhere around the 22nd of this month. But things often happen where stuff gets delayed. So we can't give you an exact time for when the next poll will show up.

Fredrik IB

No worries. This is the kind of reply I was looking for. Thanks a bunch :)