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Luis Garcia

Khalil is just the ASA's assassin for whenever they need one. The people who he killed this episode were just some guys that were stealing from the ASA.


I don't know why but these past few episodes don't feel... coherent to me, if that makes any sense. There's a scene, some random character gets introduced, sudden cut, we go to a different scene, another cut, we're back to this story. It also feels like some characters just appear and you're supposed to figure out who this is, have you seen them before and are they important in a 5 second dialogue before another cut. Makes it hard to focus, at least for me. And it's not that I'm not enjoying this season, the storylines are interesting, I like all the established characters and some of the new ones show potential, but it's annoying that I have to check the Arrowverse Wiki to make sure I even understand what's happening half the time

Chris Peacock

Speaking of the Arrowverse wiki I love reading the plots of episodes on there. At least with the English version it's like it's been run through several rounds of google translate (which is probably not far off). For example, this episode Shan just watched. I won't share the whole thing, but here is the first paragraph. "We start with Lynn discussing the meta infection. It obviously has Ebola properties and she's not had the option to settle it. She additionally noticed that it imparts shared characteristics to Green Light, which drove her to an achievement - kind of. She did some trying different things with the gainful characteristics of Green Light and tried it on herself to give herself super smarts. In Freeland, Jefferson is driving Jennifer to class and finds exactly how various things are and is alarmed. At one of the checkpoints there's an assault and Jefferson scarcely remains cool. Somewhere else, he meets with Gambi - in a shrouding gadget - who gives him an approach to incapacitate the GPS beacon Odell put in his new suit." Most Arrowverse episodes plot synopsis are written like that. And I LOVE it.


It's definitely some dedicated fan from a non-English speaking country putting things into a translator lol All of the words check out by definition but the context isn't correct