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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wvb1ikgswl9t27b/Ally%20McBeal%20S01E02%20-%20Compromising%20Positions%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

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I have been a huge fan of the show at the time it aired, but I haven't seen it in quite awhile. I am curious how good the show holds up after all this time. (It is a little bit strange though to hear the original voices instead of the german ones). And I love the music by Vonda Shepard, so many good memories. :)


I found this episode very interesting. It's obviously a complicated subject, but I liked how they showed different sides to it. I pretty much agreed with all your comments on this one. Billy should definitely tell his wife. In this case it was a high-risk STD situation, so she deserves to know for her own health. Cheaters are the worst. I've had the theme song stuck in my head since I watched 1x1 a bit ago, but still working on all the words.

Brandon Wiesner

Yeah, it's definitely an interesting subject. I personally am completely with you. Cheating is an instant deal breaker, no matter who you are in my life. The show presents the idea that it's not so black and white for everyone out there and realistically, it happens and is either hidden or forgiven more often than we like to think. That of course doesn't mean one has to accept that in their own situation. If 2 people can get past cheating and make it work, power to them but at the same time, one shouldn't expect it to happen.

Crymson Vega

This is what I look forward to when I heard you were going to react to this... I always appreciate your outlook on these characters. This is what the show will have, a lot of unapologetic honesty when it comes to programmed gender roles, relationships, and sexuality... I grew up with this generation, so I can understand it but I don't always agree with all of them. I do agree Ally should have let Billy be honest with Georgia. No one no matter what gender you are or if the act was physical or emotional/mental, no one should get a pass on accountability when it comes to cheating in any way.

s jaco

Super great to back. I haven't been here since you finished buffy. But when I saw you were doing Ally McBeal, I had to see that in full!. Plus, I can rewatch Buffy on your channel, thanks to your website it'll be easy to find.


I'm remembering how much I used to like this show. I like how quirky everyone is in this show. It's fun. The issue addressed in this episode was one that bugged me when I first saw it. I feel like you do about the issue, but I think it's up to everyone to decide for themselves how much they'll take. But then, if you get someone who you know is a cheater, then you can't really call "fowl" if they cheat again. The more of a cheating reputation they have, the less I'd feel sorry for someone with that cheater. Anyway, it was still fun.


It's kind of fascinating to have this glimpse back into 90's attitudes about gender and morality. Maybe I was just too young to realize when I saw it on TV, but the "lesson" this episode did NOT seem healthy or realistic 😂 The show is still really fun though!

Eric Haefele

Two scenarios: One: You fall in love. You feel that you have found your soul mate. He says and seems to mean it that he feels the same way. You get engaged. You get married. You have children and later grandchildren. They are wonderful children. You live and love together for 60 years until one of you dies. Before you die, you look back on your life and are grateful for the wonderful life that God has gifted you. You never know that all along he has been cheating on you. You die blissfully unaware of that. You have been happy for 60 years in your ignorance loving him and feeling loved by him. Two: You fall in love. You feel that you have found your soul mate. He says and seems to mean it that he feels the same way. He tells you that he has cheated on you in a moment of drunken weakness. You break-up with him. You are heartbroken. It is years before you begin to see other men. Finally you do fall in love again. But it is hard for you to trust again. He has a job that requires him to work late hours and to travel out of town occasionally. He asks you to marry him. You tell him the truth, that you have been hurt before and you find it hard to completely trust him, even though he has never done anything to warrant your distrust. He is willing to wait for you. Wait until you are ready to trust him, because you make him happy. So after more time has gone by and your love has only deepened, you move in together and eventually you want to have children. You don’t feel it would be fair to the children not to have legally married parents. So you marry. A few years later after one of his business trips, he comes to you and tells you that he had a one-night-stand, that it had never happened before, but that he could not hide it from you, he loved you too much to live a lie. You could not live with that truth. You divorced him. You took the children and the divorce settlement and lived out your life with no more close relationships, and only occasional one-night-stands, to satisfy the physical urge. You lived out your life in comfort, but never having the deep happiness that sharing your life with another brought you in your two relationships before you learned that you loves had cheated on you. Which scenario would you choose, not necessarily for yourself? What if you had the power to choose one of those scenarios for a friend or loved one? Which would you gift them?