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David Brown

John's stepfather's last name is Stewart. Meaning if John had taken his stepfather's last name, he would have been John Stewart. Hmm, that name sounds familiar. : ) "In brightest day, in blackest night..." The actor playing John's stepfather is a Ghostbuster.


Earth-90 Barry said in Elseworlds that John was missing his ring on this earth, now his step father is Gen. Stewart. When John was talking to Ollie about his birth father and that Stewart abandoned him, he said that it's the first rule of THE CORPS!!!! He meant the Marine Corps......but in my book it's still a Green Lantern easter egg!!! I just love how the show embraced all the fan theories about Dig being John Stewart and just started to pour more fuel on the fire))) About Oliver not knowing. He maybe did a background check, maybe saw a bunch of classified\redacted\sealed military files, saw that both Dig and his brother served, just assumed that it's a military family and didn't dig much deeper. Also, he wasn't a Felicity-level hacker, maybe couldn't crack the files and by the halfway thru the frist season John already proved himself as a friend and as a partner, so there was no reason to ask Felicity to declassify military files when she joined the team closer to the end of the season, as he already trusted John.


So first we have baby John instead of baby Sara and now Connor Hawke, who was first born as JJ in Legends of Tomorrow 1x6 "Star City 2046" and named himself Connor Hawke, is now Diggles adopted son and someone else is JJ who leads the Deathstrokes. So now JJ and Connor are not the same person anymore.. interesting what Barry can do to Diggle with time travel 😂

Patrick - Excelsior

Yes, in the Star City criminals exchange secret information on Etch-A-Sketches. This way when caught they can just shake the evidence away. :P

Brandon Wiesner

Again Ernie Hudson pops up! He played Diggle's stepfather. He was also in OUAT as Poseidon but was also in Ghostbusters.

Luis Garcia

To be fair, Connor Hawke in the Legends episode wasn't a part of the pre-Flashpoint timeline. He was a part of a timeline where Sara and the rest of the Legends never come back to the present. Seeing as the Legends have returned many times during crossovers and the end/beginning of some seasons, that Star City would have been a different timeline.

Jordan St. James

In the comics, Hal Jordan and Oliver Queen were best friends. So with the Arrow show making Diggle as close to a best friend as Oliver's had throughout, him being Black, a former military man, and his name being John, it seemed inevitable that fans were gonna start theorising with John Stewart in mind. Don't know if that was ever the showrunners' original intention, but clearly this episode was them throwing the fans a bone to chew on.

Jordan St. James

Will Magnus is a name from the comics, with ties to the Doom Patrol and, in particular, a group called the Metal Men. Not an especially well-known character in the wider multimedia franchise of DC, but he did have a major role in an animated DC movie that I feel is underrated: Justice League Gods and Monsters.

Jordan St. James

Funny, I would've thought that when Felicity was disarmed, you would've said, "I would've thought that Laurel would've taught her better," instead of Oliver. But then, I suppose that would imply that Laurel was a bad teacher, and I'm guessing that saying such things is frowned upon on this channel.

Jordan St. James

Yeah, you gotta point that Oliver probably should've known about Diggle's stepfather if he did a background check. But that was back in Season 1 and at this point, it probably gets harder and harder to keep continuity straight while trying to introduce new elements for new storylines.


I know I'm a bit late to the party, but no one else has mentioned the Will Magnus thing. In this episode, Will Magnus wants to buy Archer for the AIs he is making. In the comics, Will Magnus is the creator of the superhero robot team, the Metal Men, so they are teasing that. When my dad was a kid, he was a big fan of the Metal Men, so he likes to talk about them. Also, yeah, Archer is a computer program, and that means she would have had copies of the base code all over that place. Not competent programer deletes their code as they go around, and you can't even really move a program, only make copies of it and delete the original. So she' still have backups and copies of Archer. Deleting the single active compiled copy on the tablet just means she'd have to recompile it again, which if it's so big and powerful might take a while, but wouldn't be that big of a loss. The writers really don't understand a thing about computers.