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Flash S7 ended last week, Batwoman S2 ended like a month ago? The other shows are still going, there's been a bunch of breaks due to Covid


I actually like that Barry's message was short because due to the background sounds it sounded like he was in the middle of action and releasing he might not make it he still managed to carve out some seconds to give his daughter a message.


There are some interesting things in this episode. I think you can hear Oliver in Barrys message and yelling "Where is Laurel?". Barry and the other speedsters have to run before they can throw a lightning bolt but August can throw a lightning bolt without running and Jessie mentioned in "Enter Flashtime" that their lightning bolts create 1 billion joule but his created 5 billion. Also that guard mentioned Nora is the second person in 15 years visiting him. So they put him in prison in 2034. And on the box Nora took the Flash ring from is written its the 16th suit next to the box which has 19th suit written on it. So by 2024 (where he vanished) he got at least 19 different suits. So they have to make 15 more suits in 5 years from now 😅

James jackson

This episode was danielle panabakers first episode directing.

Chris Peacock

And Supergirl isn't even half way through the season. lol Yeah it's all messed up.


I think these shows need to get more creative with the makeup. Between this and Arrow the tacky wig and gray streaks is just bad. Like let’s say Iris is 30 in present day and this is about 25 years in the future she would still be in her mid to late 50s. Hair dye or not most women I’ve seen can be 60 and still haven’t gotten gray streaks yet. Like just get better makeup, show off the wrinkles, eye shadow. Do something to make them seem older. They’re in their 50s not 80s. The gray streaks look terrible.


Yeah Wells was the only smart person in that room. Since day 1 he knew something is wrong with Nora and he knew they wont believe him without evidence. And even Iris told him to stop interrogating Nora and now she asks why he didnt tell them.. Also after Noras fight the timer had 01:20:00 left that means Thawne taught her the time language and to time travel and Nora built her suit and learned to reverse time all in less than an hour probably even half an hour. Yeah I know she has super speed but its still much.


I was anxious to see your reaction to this episode depending on your previous knowledge of Godspeed in the comics. I haven't read the comics, but I saw a lot of negative reaction online to him being treated as a one-and-done villain. I'm glad your blood didn't boil like others did (ha). I know being aware of previous material can be blessing and a curse (i.e. Flashpoint).


lol the one thing that i have noticed about you is you LOVE the jump the gun and talk mad shit before watching the rest of the scene and then u watch it and u look like a complete ass who just went on a rant for no reason lmfao i think its sooo funny , this is one of my FAVORITE epispdes ever of the flash and its still holds so strong for me! i love the future and nora!

Brandon Wiesner

I took the whole Barry taking Nora back to her time thing not as him punishing his daughter as a "fatherly" thing but rather him doing what he feels is necessary because of what is happening in his time. As he told her, he can't have anyone around that he doesn't trust. He hasn't had her whole life to bond with her and have that unconditional love toward her. If he had, he probably wouldn't have gone the way of ok, you're out of here.


I always assumed that "weird purple speedster that just showed up one day" was the Accelerated Man from HR's Earth-19, he was briefly in a couple of episodes once talking with Gypsy and once running away from the Collection Agency that she and Breacher worked at. Godspeed being a Velocity junkie irked a lot of comic fans the wrong way, but I was ok with that, considering that the Velocity formula and it's side effects were well established on the show(probably more established then it ever was in the comics). Also I pretty sure you missed Lea's line, she said that there hasn't been a speedster in Central City since "that Crisis piece your mom wrote about decades ago". I'm prette sure she means THE newspaper "FLASH MISSING VANISHES IN CRISIS" that Iris is suppose to write in 2024. And because of the red skies in Barry's recording that Gideon showed to Nora and red sky is in that newspaper article, I think that Barry recorded that message during the final battle in that 2024 Crisis, probably just before running very fast a vanishing)))) The Team being angry at Sherloque was outrageous, esp Iris, who f'n told him to back off and stop investigating Nora! Hated her in that moment!!! I love that Eobard is mentoring Nora, just like he did her father. Wish we got more of that, more scenes with them and not just snippets every other episode. Tom Cavanagh is soo good in that role(in every role imo, but I'm biased, I love him). I believe that this mother effer is remorseful for what he put Barry through and genuinely cares for Nora, love that he calls her little runner. His last meal is Big Belly Burger lolx) Also, notice how he has a blonde hair, it never explained, but I headcanoned it as such: Original body of Eobard (Matt Letscher played him in the flashbacks and in second season of Legends) was blonde, the device he used to steal Harrison Wells' dna is wearing off and\or malfunctioning with time and without the ability to fix\repair it 'cause he's locked up, so his body is starting to revert to his original form, hence his original, blone hair started to grow out)

Luis Garcia

I think Iris and Barry both had problems this episode in making decisions by themselves. Iris let Nora out of the cell and Barry took Nora back to the future without discussing it with anyone, especially each other. They're married and both her parents, they should both have equal say in the matter instead of making rash decisions without even consulting each other.

David Brown

Just to clarify, depending on the time of year, future Iris is 59 or 60. It's 30 years (2049 from 2018/2019), not 25. Not saying you are wrong about when hair goes gray, just clarifying her age. But going gray does vary from person to person. Some do sooner than others, some later. And regarding the 60 yr/olds you mentioned, how would you know if they dye their hair or not? Unless you ask them directly, and they could lie to you out of the same vanity that makes them dye their hair in the first place.

David Brown

Accelerated Man never came to Earth-1. We only ever saw him on Earth-19. The "purple speedster" was Iris. Thawne is more light to medium brown, not blonde. But I do agree that that's what it is supposed to be.


From what Ik about Godspeed in the comics, he is completely different. Like Xmen: Origins Deadpool vs 2016 Deadpool different. That drastic. Also towards the end of Barry’s video to Nora if you listen close, you can here someone shout “Get down!” If you listen to it a couple times, it sounds like Oliver