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just feeling a little demotivated atm, ill try to do the reactions sometime this weekend

just finding it hard to get motivated today :(



What a regrettable development, but in that case leave those reactions until next week. Because otherwise the chance is too great that we will get forced reactions.


I respect that, but especially if you're having a rough week, it might be advisable to skip the Arrowverse this week. You work hard enough that you deserve to have your weekends off. Finally, wanting to do something is not the same as having the right motivation for it. Nevertheless, it's your choice and you have my support no matter what decision you decide to make.


We all love you and all of us true fans will understand. No pressure. Take a brief hiatus if you need...I'll still pay monthly subscription. Otherwise, just do you and we will be here for you 🙂💯💯❤