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Oh no! You got your hopes up didn’t you?


I didn’t but maybe it’s cuz I’m used to disappoint


Lol Wyatt. Set your expectations low and you can never be disappointed am I right?


at this point i was just happy to get the song and farm.

Brandon Wiesner

I was saying in the spoiler room how excited you would be with the farm and theme song and you didn't disappoint. Tom Welling was apparently not available and he is pretty much retired from acting anyway.


You know Shan you might have been disappointed by the lack of Smallville connection. But you didn’t disappoint with your reaction! So worth the wait!


As much as I adore Tom Welling, I don't know why you were expecting him in this. Earth 38 Clark has well been established as being played by Tyler. It wouldn't have made sense for it to suddenly be Tom.


They played both the Smallville theme song and showed the Kent Farm as shown on Smallville, How could you not get excited and then feel clickbaited a bit?


While she may have first appeared with black hair and is usually depicted with some shade of dark hair, there have been times when Lois has been shown with reddish/auburn hair, most often in the 1990’s around the time when Lois & Clark got engaged and married. https://townsquare.media/site/622/files/2011/06/tumblrl6va8qmbuz1qbt9t9o1500.jpg https://womenwriteaboutcomics.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/supeskiss.jpg

Luis Garcia

I understand why you my have gotten your hopes up after hearing the theme song and seeing the farm, but I do want to point out the Barry and Oliver did say that they were going to Earth-38 to see Kara and we have already met the Clark from Kara's Earth.

David Brown

The showrunners did not intend to hurt fans of Smallville, quite the opposite, they thought the fans would actually love the easter eggs and homages. As a fan of Smallville myself, I loved everything we got and never for one second did I think that there would be anything more than homages like these. I loved what we got, and in no way felt let down. Clickbaiting is to get one to watch the episode in the first place. But you were already watching the episode. You would have never known about the inclusion of the song and the farm unless you were already watching the episode.


I remember season 1 Iris saying Oliver is on her "three list" 😅

John Walker Is That Dude

To this day when Iris dissed Oliver I officially became anti-Iris this disrespect by her was and is disgusting