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You know he can just shrink supergirl and she would be harmless right.


Yeah that face is hilarious.


If I only look at the next season of the Arrowverse, I have to say that I am looking forward to Supergirl and Legends of Tomorrow.


Looking forward to Arrow reaction

Andrew Polinski

Or send her into another dimension, or make the gravity around her much more than she can handle, he was quite OP imo


I'm looking forward to season 5 of Flash.

David Brown

Shan, when this season originally aired, the reactor community was all over guessing that she was Barry and Iris' daughter from the moment her first scene at the wedding ended. In episode 4x20, when they showed her as a speedster with yellow & purple lightning (for both Barry & Iris), it was thought that was the whole reason for the episode "Run, Iris, Run" and why they gave Iris purple lightning in the first place.


Looking forward to Arrow s7, Supergirl s4 and Black Lightning s3 once that comes back to the schedule

Ian Caudillo

Mods have stated multiple times not to set expectations which a lot of you are doing by saying you are looking forward to this and that.


In this particular case it was Shannan herself who in this episode asked her viewers which season they were most looking forward to with the added warning not to give spoilers, Just say which season of which show, No details. We will keep a close eye on the comment section as always to make sure nobody says anything containing spoilers though :)

Reece Hart

I am looking forward to season 7 of Arrow and season 5 of The Flash. Honestly it's a good move avoiding the titles. It really is annoying how spoilery some of them are. When it comes to this season and the Thinker I really enjoyed the actor but the writing wasn't the greatest.

David Brown

Shan, also about the purple lightning, it would not be exclusive to a female speedster. On Cisco's ex-girlfriend Gypsy's Earth (Earth-19) they have a male speedster who has purple lightning.


Season 7 of Arrow for me but it’s close


I think season 4 of Supergirl but its a tough decision. Definitely excited for the crossover though.

Luis Garcia

From what I understand (I haven't read the comics so please correct me if I'm wrong), the Tornado Twins are Iris and Barry's children in the comics. I don't know if I should say any more, so I'll leave that up to anyone else.

David Brown (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 10:51:06 Yes, Barry & Iris' kids in the comics are known as the Tornado Twins. The Tornado Twins and the Wonder Twins are 2 different groups of characters. The Wonder Twins featured on Smallvile were not Barry & Iris' kids.
2021-03-10 22:47:22 Yes, Barry & Iris' kids in the comics are known as the Tornado Twins. The Tornado Twins and the Wonder Twins are 2 different groups of characters. The Wonder Twins featured on Smallvile were not Barry & Iris' kids.

Yes, Barry & Iris' kids in the comics are known as the Tornado Twins. The Tornado Twins and the Wonder Twins are 2 different groups of characters. The Wonder Twins featured on Smallvile were not Barry & Iris' kids.


The girl who plays Nora was great casting I can totally believe she's iris and Barry's daughter.