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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1ueiv7t8n0jzktw/Jessica%20Jones%20S01E13%20-%20AKA%20Smile%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

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Jake Hodgson

I may have misheard you but I think there was a couple times your called Trish Hope.. just wanted to get in front of potential jerks in the comments if you didn't catch yourself.. its cool mistakes happen. I hope you enjoyed the show.


The girl from the pilot who killed her parents in the elevator, And then went to jail. Her name was Hope Schlottman


For a long time, Jessica Jones Season 1 was my favorite season of any television show. It has since been passed but it is still my top three favorite seasons. David Tennant was a phenomenal villain and Krysten Ritter is perfect as Jessica Jones.


Agreed. This show was the first time I saw David Tennant in anything. (I never watched Doctor Who)

Andrew Polinski

When you asked is he going to look different after that final ejection, well a lot of us thought so too because in the comics he is depicted as having purple skin, but alas we were all slightly disappointed to see he didn't have purple skin.

Jake Hodgson

It never even occurred to me that this could have happened.. but it would have been fantastic.