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For why they don't recognize Elsa, the creator explained when asked that it takes place before Frozen came out.

Brandon Wiesner

That explanation doesn't make sense though, because the events of Frozen clearly happened even before the flashback scenes and the show is supposed to take place in the same time as the real world. So Frozen should have come out by then.


The events of the movie happened in universe, but at this point SB is still in early 2013. TVLine did an article before S4 premiered that mentions he asked Adam Horowitz and his response is that the show "occurs in a semblance of real time". This is the passage from the article: "As Horowitz explains, Once “occurs in a semblance of real time,” starting with Emma Swan’s Oct 23, 2011 birthday aka the series premiere. With Season 2 encompassing less than a year, and even factoring in Season 3’s midseason time jump, “We calculated that we are now living in the early part of 2013,” Horowitz notes. Meaning, Henry not only couldn’t have seen Frozen (a late-November release) yet, but its first teaser trailer won’t hit the Storybrooke Cinema for months."


lol Henry's voice has gotten so much deeper so cute.

Patrick - Excelsior

I know where Ingrid gets her freezing powers. She is Mrs. Santa Claus...I saw her in the movie.